The Jihad to Destroy Barney
Software Shop
Selection Criteria
Barney DOOM



The JihadWeb[tm] makes files available to the downloader (you) AS-IS. Under NO circumstances will the JihadWeb[tm] Team, site owner(s), or administrator(s) be liable for use, misuse, inability to use, virus infection, or accidental or intentional damages resulting from use of the software available here. The downloader (you) accepts full responsibility for any damages or negative effects resulting from using what is provided here. DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK.
That said, we did make every attempt to verify that these files are virus-free, install correctly, and don't do anything nasty to your system. We felt that the software was safe enough to run on our own systems for testing purposes, and we're still here.


Selection Criteria

All software titles were screened by DeadLock, Samhain, Malaclypse, Nexxus, and Keili. Software for various platforms was selected based on the following criteria:
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Animation quality
  • Sound quality
  • Playability
  • Ease of installation
  • Completeness

Generally speaking, those games which have the highest chance of working on your computer and are worth the download time made the final cut. Everything else was deleted, as we're not interested in wasting anyone's time, including our own.
