Selection Criteria
How Tested
Future Offerings



The JihadWeb[tm] makes files available to the downloader (you) AS-IS. Under NO circumstances will the JihadWeb[tm] Team, site owner(s), or administrator(s) be liable for use, misuse, inability to use, virus infection, or accidental or intentional damages resulting from use of the software available here. The downloader (you) accepts full responsibility for any damages or negative effects resulting from using what is provided here. DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK.
That said, we did make every attempt to verify that these files are virus-free, install correctly, and don't do anything nasty to your system. We felt that the software was safe enough to run on our own systems for testing purposes, and we're still here.


Selection Criteria

Numerous pwad files for DOOM and DOOM2 were screened by DeadLock and Malaclypse. The criteria used for acceptance of a particular package were as follows:
  • Creativity
  • Originality
  • Animation quality
  • Sound quality
  • Playability
  • Ease of installation
  • Completeness
In other words, we played all of the pwads and picked the ones we felt were worth the download time and bandwidth. Of the nineteen downloaded, three made the final cut for this page. Files that were deleted out-of-hand had things in their credits/instructions like:

Great! Now that you have my pwad, go to and get SomeDoomTool v1.x (2.x doesn't work on what I wrote!) and then (lots of gibberish instructions).


Run my incomprensible .bat file to install these new images! Oh, you'll need (some tool), and (some other tool), plus (some other pwad) to get everything to install.

In a nutshell, if the end-user (you) couldn't just download, unzip, and install everything without much difficulty (even after we'd tried to make it easier) and have it be worthwhile, the candidate went to /dev/null.


To uncompress this software, we recommend:



How We Tested Things

All files were downloaded, installed, and played to the best of our ability. Things were rated as we played, and those that scored the best were including here for you to download.
Versions of DOOM used in testing: v1.1, v1.2, DOOM2 (v1.666), Ultimate DOOM (v1.9). Those pwads that were compatible with the widest number of versions we had available to test scored well in the over-all analysis.


File size: 336KB
Features: the Hell Wyrm, Pac Man, the Energizer Bunny
Works with: DOOM and DOOM2
Comments: Thoroughly well done. Excellent graphics, animation, and sound.
Monster(s) replaced:
    • Baron of Hell -- Barney
    • Demon -- Pac Man
    • Sargs -- Energizer Bunny
Tips: Use IDCLEV to change to a level, depending on your game, with a lot of Barons unless you have a grudge against the pink rabbit or Pac Man. ;)

Download this zip file.


File size: 196KB
Features: the Hell Wyrm
Works with: DOOM and DOOM2
Comments: Thoroughly well done. Excellent graphics, animation, and sound.
Monster(s) replaced:
    • Baron of Hell -- Barney
Tips: Use IDCLEV to change to a level with a lot of Barons.

Download this zip file.


File size: 227KB
Features: the Hell Wyrm
Works with: DOOM only
Comments: OK graphics, sound. Animation isn't great.
Monster(s) replaced:
    • Baron of Hell -- Barney
Tips: Use IDCLEV to change to a level with a lot of Barons.

Download this zip file.


Future Offerings

We'd like to find a well-designed and implemented DOOM pwad that replaces something other than the Barons of Hell because, let's face it, they're nowhere near populous enough in the game! If we can't find something relatively soon, someone on the JihadWeb[tm] Team will probably dust off their DOOM-hacking tools and make one for us.
Also, DOOM is kind of old but still fun to play. We've been talking with some Quake designers and Quake-C programmers who are working on building a custom B'harn-monster! With any luck, we'll see it soon, though there's no telling when they'll figure it out and get around to finishing it.
