The morning dawned brightly, casting its long streams of yellow and black across the ground and pink and blue across the sky. Warrant Officer Marquardt rose from his bunk in the command tent groggily. He hated mornings, always had. But war didn't keep hacker's hours, and the best time to strike a legion of sponge minions is in the morning, when they are most likely to be busy watching B'harnii and Fiends. This was the day, Marquardt thought as he looked out across the scorched terrain that has been the battlefield for most of the previous engagements between MAUL and Rouge Squadron troops. The last day. Marquardt had no doubt in his mind that it would end with MAUL winning; the sweeping victories of the Mechanized Heavy Infantry over the RS troops was proof enough of that. Marquardt's serenity of thought was interrupted by one of the enlisted men barging into the tent. "What," said the Warrant Officer, sounding more than slightly annoyed. "Message from CinC Most Holy," the grunt sputtered, obviously intimidated, more than likely wishing that he hadn't been the person picked to go in there and give the news. Outside the tent, the group of battle-hardened tank commanders and helicopter pilots that made up MHI rose from their slumber in a relaxed, almost lethargic manner. The serenity of the scene was broken by Marquardt's voice suddenly bellowing out, "THOSE RAT BASTARDS!!" Marquardt waved his arms frantically, screaming incoherently at the canvas of the tent. "Why doesn't anyone ever TELL me about these things?!" he screamed. "A War College plot to expose RS .. Next thing you're going to tell me is that they planted that message on the CinC's phone to call me ..." He looked at the enlisted man coldly. The grunt just shrugged, not knowing what the Warrant Officer was talking about. "Very well," sighed Marquardt. "If that's all you have to say, then get out of my face." Obliging Marquardt, the enlisted man slunk out of the tent. Marquardt sat on his cot for a while, pondering this. Darn War College pencilnecks. "If I had my way, they'd just stick to strategy!" he shouted at the air. The air had no argument. The Warrant Officer took a deep breath and rose from the cot, heading for the door of the tent. I guess it's good that I found out right before the battle, he thought, because now I'm good and mad. The mobilization went smoothly. Tanks rumbled across the torn hills on their way to the compound in a long line abreast, with helicopters thundering in formation overhead. A pair of F15-E fighters screamed out from behind and streaked toward the compound, followed by the rest of the wing. It wasn't a stealthy approach, that was for sure. But Marquardt wasn't looking for a surprise attack. He wanted it to be quick, decisive, and devastating for RS, not surgical. He ordered the helicopters out in front of the tanks, having them acting as spotters and also to clear a path. Inside the RS compound, the atmosphere was calm. Every single sponge minion sat, stupified, as the image of the purple puke bounced around on the several big-screen televisions. Oohing and aahing as b'harnii made it all better with a song and dance, they were just like little kids. Except most of them were adults. Suddenly, the idyllic nature of the compound was interrupted with the roar of jets, the blaring of klaxons, and the explosion of bombs. The final battle had begun. All of the MAUL tanks fired at once, their shells pounding the outer wall of the compound, a cloud of dust rising into the air. Confusion erupted, and for a while there was no resistance. Maul forces rumbled through, cutting through the passive-defense perimeter like it was made of butter. Finally, the Rouge Squadron forces responded. Missiles screamed towards their targets, tank shells impacted armor heavily. The MAUL forces held their line. As Marquardt watched the fray erupt from the command helicopter, he muttered to himself, "Where did they get their tactics?!" He almost felt sorry for Rouge Squadron, down there getting their butts handed to them. The answer came to him almost as quick as he asked the question to himself; these were their last forces available. It was a last-ditch effort. Suddenly, a red-orange blaze lanced out from the ground, slicing the chopper next to Marquardt's. The helicopter exploded in a brilliant, thunderous explosion as its fuel ignited, and the command helicopter rocked from the percussion. "What the hell was that?!" screamed the Warrant Officer. >From the pilot's seat, Recruit LitBolt turned around. "It came from down there," he said, pointing to a group of spongies who appeared to be reloading a strange-looking rifle. "Okay," muttered Marquardt. "It looks like they're reloading, but what the .." he grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked. "Copper tops. They're reloading that thing with copper tops." He threw the binoculars across the cabin and climbed into the gunner's seat. "Recruit," he said, calling to LitBolt, "Turn this thing. I want a clear shot at them." Almost as soon as he had said that, the group had fired the gun again, its red-orange streak missing the command chopper by only a couple of feet. "That was close," breathed the recruit under his breath as he turned the chopper. Marquardt fired one HE round into the group. They didn't know what hit them. He turned back up to the cockpit. "Give me the radio," he said. "Attention all MAUL forces," he spoke into the mike, "this is Warrant Officer Marquardt. Evidently, Rouge Squadron is down to the bottom of the barrel here, and is taking stuff out of R&D .. we just lost a chopper from what appeared to be a battery-operated laser gun. Anyway, just keep your eyes open. Marq--" "Sir, Look!" shouted the Recruit, interrupting. Marquardt looked. First, a shock of cold, that "Oh, shit" feeling, then a sense of irony flooded him. He laughed out loud. "What the heck," he said. There, on the battlefield, ambling slowly towards the line of tanks, were five 40-foot-tall mechanical monstrosities that looked remarkably like AT-STs from Star Wars. "Oh-/kay/ men," he said, stifling a laugh, as he returned to the mike. "It looks like we have some people that think they're in a video game here. Aim for the legs. Marquardt out." Tank turrets turned, and shells flew, impacting the legs of the mecha. They went down easily, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. As soon as that happened, a group of spongies ran out of the front of the compound, waving a huge white flag. Almost as quickly as it had begun, the battle was over.