From: Bobby Cox ( Subject: Anzac Jihad - A story (Part 3) Newsgroups: alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die Date: 1997/06/17 Part three in a continuing series of... blah, blah. I'll finish it eventually, I suppose. Grand Admiral Marburger, Commanding Officer of TRES Corps, was doing something he absolutely loathed. He was filling out paperwork. In this case, it was After-Action Reports that he was wasting his time on. Suddenly his misery was interrupted by Vice-Admiral DarkSide, the commander of Theta Squadron. "Sir, I've received a report that I think you should read." Glad to be interrupted, Marburger scanned the report. His eyes narrowed and his face hardened as the listened to the audio file that had been attached to the report. "Doesn't B'harnii know when to quit?" he asked. "I mean, we keep on thrashing him, killing him, even, but still he continues with his efforts. Request a follow-up report and more info. We need to know what we might be getting ourselves into." *** B'harnii was looking at a map of Australia, feeling very satisfied with himself. Occasionally, he would zoom in on one part of the map. Then he would chortle with glee, hugging himself with delight. His campaign was going well. Most of the populated areas were turning magenta (maybe a toned down flouro purple?) as they fell under his influence. Then his expression changed. Areas of the map were flashing, indicating active resistance. Since the Jihad was not active here, this could be troublesome. He ordered units of Mensans, his elite strike troops, to reduce the pockets of resistance. This shouldn't take long. *** Turbo was browsing through his local music shop, looking for some Good Music[tm]. Unfortunately, he wasn't having much success, since it appeared that the Hell Wyrm's "music" had been moved from the kiddie bins at the rear of the store to the front, and the music that Turbo liked had been relegated to obscurity. His musings were suddenly interrupted by faint snatches of singing. "I love, you, you love me..." he thought as he heard faint snatches of gunfire interspersed with the singing. Racing out to the street, bowling over several partially-spongified people in the process, he jumped into his Suzuki Sierra 4WD and raced off in the direction of the gunfire. *** The singing wasn't nearly as faint where Bill Lang was. In fact, it was nearly deafening. "I love you, you love, me..." he though, nervously puffing on a cigarette. Suddenly, another volley of gunfire thudded into the sandbag wall he was using as cover, causing him to duck back. He cautiously poked his head over the wall, looking out at the scene of carnage in front of him. Swarms of poorly armed people, most of them dressed in a sickening purplish colour, we milling about. They were enthusiastic, but poorly organised, relying mainly on sheer weight in numbers to achieve their goals. In sharp contrast were a small group standing off to one side. They were dressed in what Bill regarded as "geek clothes", but they were better armed, and seemed to be well trained. Sweeping his gaze across his front, he noted and passed over clumps of bodies, dressed in Australian Army uniforms, and that sickening shade of purple. There were far more of the second variety, which brought little comfort to Bill, since there were far more of them to start with. "HERE THEY COME AGAIN!!!" Bill thought tiredly as he began to fire long automatic bursts into the purple-clad swarm. *** Turbo reached his house, pulling up in his driveway just as Rebecca arrived. "Bobby, do you have any idea of what's going on? Is that gunfire? WHAT'S HAPPENING???" "Not now, Bec," he said in a distracted tone as he rushed out to the back shed, where his Battle Armour was stored, along with all his other TRES Corps issue equipment. Bec would not be put off easily, though. "Tell, me dammit! I want answers! I want..." her voice trailed off because, just then, Turbo had thrown open his shed, revealing his equipment. Turning to her, he said with a nasty grin, "Welcome to my playground." -- Lieutenant Turbo (aka Bobby Cox) Theta Squad, TRES Corps, Jihad to Destroy B'harnii B---- SPG----F++++ R&D !ND TIJ---- ODD++ MAG PSI IRC+ JW++ ABD4+++++ !MST RPG (but I'd like to) GF++++ GG+++ GM+++++ GMO+++ !VECH Note: Reply-to address mangled to foil spamming mail-bots. I think you know what to get rid of...