"War does not consist of a single, instantaneous blow." -- "The Fires of Gehenna," the scenario booklet included in Games Workshop's minitaures game _Epic Titan Legions_ Operation: Phoenix, Scorched Earth by J-Rock, jjr5020@rigel.tamu.edu # Iron Maiden "The Trooper" _Piece of Mind_ Don let a plasma missile fly from his forearm launcher and briefly wondered why he had ever chosen to follow J-Rock into the Blizzard of '96. As the missile blew out the cockpit of a B'Harne Bot, he pushed that thought aside. Because, he told himself, if we lose here, then the Lizards would have carte blanche to do what they wished with humanity. Don could already think up a hundred different fates for mankind if the TRES HQ fell, none of them pleasant. He was many things, but most certainly not one to take the prospect of alien domination lying down. Off in his peripheral vision, a platoon of TRES infantry was faring quite poorly against some advancing Bots. The Dark Hymn booming nonstop from the B'Harne models' external speakers did not help matters any as a B'Habi B'Hop Bot threw what appeared to be its "blankie" at them. The "blankie" was actually a giant net, and a B'Hee J Bot hacked the poor infantry to pieces as they struggled in vain to get free. Don did the only thing he could do: fire the last of his plasma missiles at the two B'Harnate quasi-Mechs. Two impacted the B'Hee J Bot in the chest, blowing off its right arm before it disappeared in a nuclear fireball. The last one hit the B'Habi Bop Bot in its left hip, ripping the adjoining leg off and sending it to the ground, where the snow began to cover it up. A burst of particle beam fire from the integrated PBC/rocket launchers on Don's Battler shredded the head area, killing the Wyrm-Minions inside. J-Rock's voice came through on the tacnet: "All Texas and Kappa forces, gimme a damage report!" Don responded with, "I'm all right." A chorus of similar responses followed his, although Bane had expressed some concern that his Necromower may become mired in the snowdrifts. "Commodore Marburger is looking to withdraw from the area," J said, "and I'm beginning to agree with him. Just remember that only this skirmish is over, not the battle. For what it's worth, you people kicked ass out here." **************************************************************************** In an suprising parallel development, Kazumi was entertaining the same idea of withdrawal. Both the Pirahnas had fallen to intense enemy fire (not to mention judicious use of Blankies from Hell on the part of the B'Habi B'Hop Bots ("Threebies")). And, on top of all that, the surviving Mechs in the Star had ran out of ammo. So, when she heard J-Rock's order to withdraw, she breathed a small sigh of relief. To continue fighting here would only help the enemy. Kazumi punched up a long-range scan of the surrounding territory. "There's a SCABTF Armored McDonald's about 4 klicks northwest of here," she said. "Head over there, best speed. That should give the techs time to rearm and repair the Mechs." "Wilco, Oneesama," Noriko said as she minced a Threebie into oblivion with her pulse lasers. The Threebie had managed to throw its "blankie" one last time, however. Entangled, her Stormcrow went down in a heap, just as a B'Hee J Bot ("Little B'Hee") was bearing down on it. Kazumi snapped off a shot just as the Little B'Hee jumped, missing it by a good five meters. "Shimatta!" she barked, seemingly unable to stop the B'Harnate light Mech from pulping her friend and teammate. As the Little B'Hee brought its sword down, a beam saber came from out of nowhere and blocked the sword. Kazumi took another look at her external camera to see Mongoose's Tetsujin standing above Noriko's immobilized Stormcrow, one beam saber blocking the Little B'Hee while the other was held back in a ready position. Time stood still for a second or two. Finally, Mongoose snickersnacked the Little B'Hee's head off with the other beam saber, yelling "Hippie haiku, brother trucker!" The Little B'Hee's body collapsed as Mongoose powered down the blocking saber and started pulling the "blankie" off of the downed TAMUBGD Mech. "Thanks," Noriko said as she stood her Stormcrow up. "I thought I was a goner for a second." "Just buy me dinner at the Armored Mickey D's and we'll call it even," Mongoose replied. Riko chuckled and said, "You're the one with the 'All-You-Can-Eat Free' card, remember? C'mon, let's go." Without another word, the three Mechs turned and ran through the forest. **************************************************************************** J-Rock looked back upon the battlefield from the main street of Clear Springs. Everywhere he looked, the fires and explosions of the TRES Corps fortifications being blown lit up the night sky. Before the order to withdraw came, small thermite satchel charges were set near the barricades as booby traps. Now the Spongers were discovering them, much to their dismay. The butcher's bill on both sides was staggering, to say the least. Of the forty-five thousand armored troopers that were fielded, the Corps was lucky to scrape together _twenty_ thousand. Even though the TRES forces gave better than they got, it was against mere cannon fodder. And there were still over 60,000 Lizards to account for yet. Turning to where CyberPyro had popped open the helmet on his Wrath of Arioch powered armor, he said, "So, what's the plan now?" CyberPyro replied, "I had Mysterium's artillery forces shell our old positions. That should slow the Lizards down some. As for the town, we moved all the civilians out to another town about 50 miles north of here when we first got word of the invasion." "And if the Lizards overrun the city?" CyberPyro's eyes took on a cold expression as he spoke. "Then we leave them nothing that they could use." "You're running a scorched-earth campaign, aren't you?" "I am." "You realize this means that the Corps may have to indemnify the civilians for their losses?" "I do." J-Rock sighed. "Then I sure hope the civvies paid their insurance premiums religiously, cause they're gonna need them." Any further comment was interrupted by a three-tone bleep from CP's comm module. He closed his helmet as he took the message. When CP popped his helmet again, he said, "That was Galand. He's coming in from New Mexico with the MACC Trucks. My read is he wants to harass the enemy's rear, but he'll need help getting through." "That can be arranged," J-Rock said, on-lining his own comm module. "Captain T'larn, what's your twenty?" "We've lost one scout tank, and two more of ours are heavily damaged," the B'Horn tanker replied. "Other than that, we're still servicable." "Good. Take your company and meet with about twenty black semi-trucks, coming in from the southeast." "You mean the MACC Trucks?" "Affirmative. You're to see to it that they get through all right. Warrior Galand will advise further on contact." "Understood, sir. T'larn out." J turned to CP and said, "There ya go. Instant escorts. Now, my advice for the town defense is simple. Pull all the infantry except for the heavy BattleArmor. We'll defend the city with that and the Cyclones." "I hate to break the news to you, but we only have about 7,500 heavies left. I can part with 2,500 of those, and 2,500 marines in Assault Armor." J-Rock sighed. "Looks like it'll have to do." Just then, the ground around the two blossomed into six explosions. Moving the Garland's transformation lever up at the same time that CP sealed his helmet, J began looking around for the ambushers. His search revealed about ten Lizards in varying grades of power armor. As a Light-Armored Lizard disappeared in a hail of 55mm slugs, J-Rock said, "Better order all who's going back, back right now!" "Did that twenty seconds ago," CyberPyro replied as he cut down a medium Lizard suit with his WoA's shoulder-mounted railgun. "Anyone from Alpha Squad, report!" J said, scragging another Medium while running the Bahamode Garland behind a corner. "Commander Lionheart here," Kylun's voice responded. "What do you need?" "Kylun," J-Rock began, "take two to three members of your squad and keep the retreat from becoming a rout. Don't stop until you reach the HQ." "Roger, Admiral. Kylun clear." CyberPyro began falling back as J-Rock issued another command: "Kappa Squad: Remember, hit and run! Now ANNIHILATE!!!!!!" # Metallica "Master of Puppets" _Master of Puppets_ A squad of TRES marines, trying to clear the way for the beleaguered TRES commanders, opened up with their railguns and, by sheer luck, nailed an Assault-armored Lizard. Their offensive was short-lived, as pieces of armor began to fly off the assault suits, leaving the calling cards of cloaked Devourer-class Lizard armor behind. Firing in all directions, the marines managed to blow away numerous street-front stores. They did not, however, hit the Devourer, which had already sliced up three marines. As the Lizard suit clawed another marine apart, a horrific explosion shook the Devourer and its wearer. Apparently, the marine had taken the time to arm his Assault Armor's suicide bomb, and it had paid dividends by knocking out the Devourer's cloak. J-Rock had seen the Devourer lose its cloak in a display of crawling electric energy and shot a forearm-mounted missile at it. The Devourer gave a decent impression of "Oops, I died" as the missile's blast reduced the armor to its component atoms. J then radioed CyberPyro with "All right, let's blow this hot dog stand!" CP responded with, "I did that already. You're the only one still in that section of town. I'm gonna head over to the mall and see if I can't draw their fire." "You do that," J-Rock said, cutting the connection as his radar detected six unarmored Lizards moving in on him. "Come on in, bee-otches," he said, punching on the ambient light amplifier. "Ol' Bahamode is waiting." As the squad showed themselves, J fired a full-auto spray into the Lizards, killing at least three before the autorifle stopped firing. "Wonderful," J said. "Don't tell me there's a mage in this group." He double-checked the Garland's HUD and saw the message printed on the screen... HEAVY AUTORIFLE AMMUNITION EXPENDED "Shit!" J-Rock growled, throwing down the 55m rifle as the Lizards started to break cover. Stomping on the dropped rifle, the Garland withdrew a pistol-like weapon and plinked a Lizard that was aiming her plasma rifle. J put a few more rounds into the bit o' rubble that the Lizards were using for cover before transforming the Garland into cycle mode and speeding away. **************************************************************************** As the battle raged on, a man in lavender robes, flanked by a retinue of four others like him (except that their robes were less ornate), watched the battle with some interest. "Our offensive is bogging down, Master," said one of the four apprentices. "Shall we lend our assistance?" "No," the Lyran mage replied. "The X'hirjq may be sputtering, but they'll break through in time. Besides, we have bigger fish to fry." He extended a bony finger at a particular VR-038 Cyclone. "The First Circle wants that female for study. Capturing her is our mission." He paused for a while, laughing madly. "Come! It is time I showed you how to take down a physical adept." # White Zombie "Soul-Crusher" _La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1_ P-Chan was in the process of pulping a Jello Beast's retinue with her umbrella and the Cyclone's enhanced strength. She had just thrown the umbrella into the hordes, carving a hole big enough for her to aim the rocket launcher at the Beast itself. As the Jello Beast filled the launcher's sights, she said, "How about a light?" She then fired a napalm missile at the Beast, who tried to dodge out of the way, but to no avail. The napalm covered the Beast and cooked it to death as the Jello Sponges went catatonic with the loss of their controller. She was so engrossed with this task that she didn't notice the Lyrans until they had fired a net-gun at her. The net missed as she leapt into a nice back-flip, coming down facing the Lyrans. P said, "So, you five fools think you can beat lil' ol' me?" The leader responded with, "That matters very little to me, young lady. The First Circle on Lyra wants you, and I shall give them just that." "I'm flattered -- NOT!" P said as she fired a frag missile at the quintet, watching with horror as their shields absorbed the blast. "Holee.. DIE!!" she shouted, withdrawing her umbrella and leaping into the crowd. One of the apprentices took her charge head-on, confident that his shields would save him. His folly turned out to short-lived, as P-Chan's umbrella blade pierced the shield, and the apprentice's heart without so much as token resistance. The mage, on the other hand, sent a volley of fireballs and lightning bolts at the Cyclone, slamming P-Chan through a nearby wall. As P struggled to get up, the net came forth again, this time entangling her and the Cyclone. The mage's weird laughter rolled forth a second later, followed by, "Foolish wench. In time, you, too, will learn to love the lash." P replied with, "Get stuffed. I--" before the mage silenced her with a stun spell. As the Lyrans were beginning to cart her out, a burst of laser fire cut down two apprentices. Dropping their bundle, they turned to find Mad Max's Obliviator standing there, laser minigun barrels rotating with a low whirr. "Put her down, or be destroyed!" he said to the two Lyrans. "Well, if it's all the same to you," the mage replied, "I choose to be destroyed." Max didn't say anything more as he opened up with the miniguns, putting laser bolt after laser bolt into the mage, only to have it stopped by his shield. At length, the Lyran said, "Your pitiful attempts at rescue bore me. DIE!" as he returned all of Max's laser fire in the form of one huge energy blast. The blast struck the Obliviator, leaving a smoking hole in the chest armor and sending it flying back several feet. The mage allowed himself a long, evil laugh after this. "Burn in hell!" **************************************************************************** MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE 187TH FTL CAVALRY HQ TENT IN ATLANTA... Major K'ghan took the incoming 2-way HPG comm with some interest. Why would the Homeworld call at this ungodly time?, he thought as Foreign Minister C'han's face resolved itself on the screen. "Greetings, Madam Foreign Minister," he said. "To what do I owe the honor of this call?" The B'Hornate minister replied in an even voice, "There is the matter of the X'hirjq to discuss. I understand that your unit is fighting them alongside our Terran allies, correct?" "That is correct, Minister." "I feared as much." A bad sign, K'ghan thought. "The Homeworld was contacted by the X'hirjq, who demanded that our aid to the Terrans cease while they are fighting." "I do not understand! Why would we stop aiding our allies?" "They threatened our race with extinction if we continue as we are now. I don't like being bullied any more than you do, but seeing as how you're the only ranking B'Horn that's faced the X'hirjq that we know of, I want to hear your recommendations." K'ghan looked introspective for a moment. Part of the Major wanted to continue fighting, to show the Lizards that one can't push anybody around with no regard for who's being pushed. But K'ghan was also a realist whose first duty was to his race. And he would say what he had to say, even though it tasted like droppings in his mouth. "I say we do what they ask," he said at length. "Their technology is far beyond what the Terrans have, and there's no way of knowing if they are limiting their own tech to make it 'a fair fight' in their eyes." "So, for all we know, their technology may eclipse even our own." "Exactly." "I'll forward your remarks to the Assembly. In the meantime, your units are not to open fire on the X'hirjq. Nor are you to tell our allies our reasons for withdrawing. Is that clear?" "Crystal." **************************************************************************** # Butt Trumpet "I Left My Gun in San Francisco" _Primitive Enema_ Meanwhile, Tim and Don had fallen back towards the mall, making preparations to hold onto it as long as they could. The Lizards had made rapid advances through the city, and it was only a matter of time before they overran it. Just then, Don had caught sight of somebody approaching. Breaking cover, he said, "Halt! Who goes there?" "Commander Yearnshaw, Beta Squad," the voice responded. "Ok, come over here," Don said. Jry did, and Tim inwardly noted that the progress of the war had written itself across Jry's face. He had no battlearmor (having lost it in the first wave of the battle), and was carrying just an XRifle and some web gear. In addition, his face showed the look of someone who hadn't gotten enough sleep. Tim held up a MGD from the cooler that he had found and said, "Want one?" As Jry took the proferred bottle, Don said, "Don't tell me you're trying to invoke the Beer Yaga again." Tim answered, "You gotta have Beer Yaga," as he took a sip from his own Genuine Draft. Just then, a fusillade of plasma fire poured into the little restaurant that the three were holed up in. Jry asked, "What is this Beer Yaga?" as he opened up with his XRifle at the advancing Lizards. Don blasted a Lizard as he replied, "Tim somehow gets better luck if he has a few beers in him." Tim took another pull on his beer as he fired a few shots of his own at the horde. Unfortunately, some of the return fire hit the beer bottle he was drinking out of, leaving only the neck in Tim's hand. "YOU SHOT MY BEER!" Tim bellowed as he fired three shots at a wall of Lizards. The weird thing about it was that each shot hit a Lizard right between the eyes, killing her instantly. "Now _that_," Tim said to Jry, "is Beer Yaga." Don added, "Time to leave," as more Lizards began to show up on the Cyclones' radar. Plasma fire chased the three out of the restaurant, setting fire to the bar and assorted trappings. As the three fell back firing, smoke began to pour out of the window that they dived out of in their escape. Five more Lizards showed up from behind, only to have their lasers scratch the paint on the Cycs and getting energy beams to the chest for their trouble. Satisfied that they had run out of enemy for the moment, the three ran to where some marines were fighting. The smoke from the restaurant followed them past a "NO SMOKING" sign in the mall concourse as they went on their way. **************************************************************************** # Judas Priest "Hell Bent for Leather" J-Rock rounded the corner only to find Mad Max down on the ground, trying to pull his Cyc's manual ejection lever. Looking further beyond, he saw two Lyrans in the process of trying to carry a Cyclone away, and it was P-Chan's! Goosing his throttle while opening up with the Garland's fairing lasers, he shouted, "You ain't touching her anymore, you pieces of SHIT!!" The eldest among them reflected the lasers back at the Bahamode, and only J's skill at evasion kept the Garland from being hit. Enough fooling around, J thought as he moved the transformation lever up. As the Garland shifted to Mecha mode, he thought he could hear the mage sigh and say, "So many mechabikes in this town, and so few brains." J opened up with the 25mm "autopistol", but they still bounced off of the Lyrans' shields as the mage began to hurl lightning through the air, narrowly missing the Bahamode on several occasions as J hopped out of the way, still looking for a clean shot... The remaining apprentice was supposed to be keeping the "experimental subject" stunned for transport to the Lyran ships, but the new threat to his master was capturing his attention. He gathered his power for a eldritch blast, looking to aid his master in taking out this mechabike. Just as he was about to cast it, he heard a feminine voice say, "Hey, mugger.." The apprentice turned around just in time to see a long, thin blade enter his throat... P-Chan worked her snap-blade out of the dead Lyran's throat while she used the other one to cut her way out of the net. She had thought she was doomed for sure when she got hit by that stun spell, and her continued presence in Clear Springs had to be due to a Kappa or someone else in TRES Corps. She looked up just in time to see a plasma ball knock the Garland off its feet and onto the ground. Somehow, she thought, I'm not at all suprised that he came to save me. P was part of the "new" TAMUBGD, and J tried to help "his people" whenever possible. Now I'd better return the favor. She redoubled her efforts to saw her way out of the net, hoping that she wasn't too late... This was sucking, J thought as the Garland hit the ground none too gently. Trying to spring back up, he noticed with some dismay that the plasma ball had removed both the Garland's legs at the knees. The Lyran cackled, "I hope that all is well between you and your God. You will be meeting him very soon!" Fireballs and energy blasts shook the Garland, gouging great chunks of armor from the mini-mech. J fired the autopistol at the mage, yelling "Go back to Hell, you Lyran asshole!" As the shells bounced off the shield to destroy several buildings, the Lyran answered, "Bold language for one who is about to die, Terran whelp!" As the Lyran gathered more power, J decided to play his last hole card. He brought his Bahamode's arms to his chest, in a position suggesting prayer. "Trying to patch things up with your God this late in life?" the Lyran mage taunted. "A noble, but futile gesture." J simply said, "You'd be amazed at what the power of prayer can accomplish." Just then, the covers snapped open to reveal the last two of J's forearm missiles. As the missiles left the launcher, the Lyran allowed himself a cruel grin as he began to raise his shield... However, before he could raise it, he felt a crushing blow to his tailbone which knocked him forward several feet. Moreover, the blow disrupted his concentration, lowering the shield just as the missiles came within range. The last thing the Lyran mage heard in this life was P-Chan saying "You should never turn your back on a lady!" # Live "White, Discussion" _Throwing Copper_ The Garland's head assembly shot away, revealing J-Rock pulling the emergency eject. "Well, this is a switch," P said. "Normally, it's me who ends up saving you." "You still did, P," J answered. "If you didn't kick the Lyran when you did, it would've been me becoming roadkill, and not him." P dropped to her knees to turn her Cyclone into a motorcycle as J crawled out of his downed Garland. "Yeah," she said. "But if you hadn't stopped them when you did, I'd be some lab experiment somewhere in Lyran space. So, you saved me. My God, what am I saying.. I'm getting sappy already." "You say that like it's a bad thing," J said as Bane pulled up in his Necromower. P lightly smacked the side of J's helmeted head. "It is and you know it. I should just let you _walk_ to TRES HQ right now." "Mea culpa, P-Chan." A pause. "We'd best get going. There's no telling if the Lizards have overrun the city already." Meanwhile, Bane was helping Mad Max's slightly wounded self into the Necromower for the ride out. "Yes, we'd better. Hop on." J invoked the auto-destruct timer on the Garland before hopping on P-Chan's Cyclone and hanging on as the two vehicles roared off into the Colorado night. **************************************************************************** J-Rock took one last look back at Clear Springs itself. Everywhere, the entire town was engulfed in flames. About the only thing he wasn't sorry to see go up in flames was the tacky macro-mall. Jry, Don, and Tim had just now arrived at the dirt road leading to the HQ where J-Rock was watching the Death of A Ski Town play itself out. "You sure we're doing the right thing, Admiral?" Jry had asked. J sighed and said, "I'm not too sure sometimes. Yes, the property damage might have seemed unavoidable at times, and other times it appeared as though we were no better than the monsters we fought. But now, we're on our own HQ grounds. We have to hold them here, or the Lizards will roll over Earth without us hardly firing a shot. Which reminds me, I gotta see how the Mechs are doing. Zumi, what's your status?" "We're just now finishing up refitting, and should be ready to roll out within a few minutes." "Good. Head back to the Birdcage as planned. Wile E. Coyote should already be after us by the time you arrive." "Roge that, Admiral. By the way, good luck." "Thanks, Zumi, I'll probably need it. J-Rock out." As the assembled Kappas and TAMU troops drove up the dirt road to HQ, J thought he could see a faint glimmer of dawn poking up through the eastern clouds. Please, he mentally sent to each of his relevant gods. Let us hold them here... To be continued... All material copyrighted by the original author.