Operation Phoenix: The Hunt For Samhain Part 8 Samhain ran off into the forest as best he could in his injured state. He'd heal quickly of course, but he only HAD 10 minutes to run before they came after him. Which, as quickly and efficiently as they moved and tracked, meant he had about 12 minutes to run, since he couldn't really set any more traps.... he didn't have anything left to set traps WITH, after all... so he ran towards the one place he might be able to slow their pursuit and hamper their tracking ability... the river. Samhain charged towards the river bank. He was at the outside of a rather sharp elbow in the river, meaning there was a very steep drop of about 8 feet to the river, and deep, swirling waters below. He did what he had to do--he dove off the edge and plunged into the water without slowing down to reconsider. And he started swimming downstream and back across the river... The new X'hirijq Commander stood and waited patiently, watching his chronometer. He had his men spread out in a line from the river to the cliff, all awaiting the order to go. They, too, waited patiently. They all wanted to kill Samhain as much as the next member of the invasion force, if not more after seeing their previous commander bested in combat, but they knew what the deal had been. And so they waited... Samhain was swimming for his life. He had to keep going and put as much distance between himself and his X'hirijq pursuers as possible before they came after him again. And he hoped to Grimace that all the snipers and watchers had been pulled for the pursuit across the river... Time was up. The Commander roared, and charged into the forest, his troops following suit. They reached the river's edge and paused briefly, sensing where he'd gone.... which was into the river. And so, into the river many of them went too. They swam quickly, their powerful tails helping them to move at amazing speeds... Samhain climbed out of the river, and paused briefly to get his bearings. He knew he needed to do something other than run... if all he did was run he'd eventually tire, and then they'd get him. Even though it was now early evening, he doubted he could keep up this kind of all-out flight for another several hours while he waited for darkness. He needed... some equipment of some sort. He preferred to be able to fight without needing it, but there are times when you're so outnumbered, so overwhelmed... and this was one of them. He suddenly remembered his backpack of equipment. If he could just get there... yes, that was what he had to try and do. It was risky--undoubtedly it'd be trapped, likely even watched--if it was even still there. But it was his best chance. And as such, he started towards it. But not by a direct route... he started by running the opposite direction... The X'hirijq reached the shore, and again used their magical direction finder to track Samhain's direction. He was running... downstream, and slightly inland. They'd have him soon... Samhain ran about a half mile downstream, then made a huge double-back and angled further inland. He was now moving at his normal pace and strength level again, having had a little time to heal, though the pain was still a very real memory. He ran about another 3/4 mile back upstream and inland at a 45 degree angle from the river, zigging and zagging somewhat so it wasn't a perfectly straight line to follow. He was inland and upstream of his gear now, and corrected his course to head back towards it. He slowed his pace down some, knowing it was getting dangerous... and that the X'hirijq would be there at any moment... Samhain stopped suddenly. Something wasn't right... he could just feel it. But it wasn't an ambush as before... it was... and then he looked down. A tripwire stretched across directly in front of his ankles. Shaped charges of explosives were placed at either end of the wire, and directed inward. Double switches meant that if it was either cut or pulled on, they'd fire. He marvelled at his luck... and proceeded to disarm the trap... then moved it do a different location. Samhain took his time now, finding several more identical traps, and moving them as well. At long last, he approached the clearing where he'd left his backpack... and checked for snipers... The X'hirijq sniper in the tree suddenly awoke from the combat nap he'd been taking. His senses had alerted him to someone's presence. He looked around, and scanned the area through his telescopic rifle sight. He looked, and couldn't believe what he saw... and lined his firing point up on Samhain's head... To be Continued.... "The Hunt for Samhain" Copyright 1995, David R. Hibbs All Rights Reserved.