OPERATION PHOENIX: DEFIANCE The _Defiance_ returned to realspace, a shudder passing through the vessel and her sister ship, the _Pasiphae_. The two vessels began heading towards Earth orbit, with one hell of a fight ahead of them. Earth was under attack. The Jihad was in greater danger at that one moment than it had ever been before. Captain Patrick Stewart sat in the command chair of the _Defiance_, counting off the kiloclicks to Earth orbit. Fortunatly, the ships came out of drivespace fairly close to the planet, and it was only a matter of minutes before the two Ganymede-class battlecarriers entered engagement range. "ETA to entering plasma cannon range?" the captain asked his tactical officer. "Four minutes," came the reply. Stewart pushed the intercom. "All fighter crews, this is the captain. Repeat, all fighter crews, this is the captain. Magnum launch! Repeat, all craft launch now and head towards Terran orbit to engage the attacking fleets!" As soon as the orders were transmitted, a hundred and forty-four combat pilots ran towards the fore and aft hangar bays to launch thier fighters, shuttles and gunboats. On the _Pasiphae_, the same thing occured. Stewart checked the rangemeter. Two minutes. In two minutes, 288 fighters had launched from two carriers and headed towards the X'hirjq fleet to do damage. * * * * * * Aboard a X'hirjq assault cruiser, _Thak'talu_ Hthissu looked in his lookpanel at the two large battlecarriers approaching at at least six thousand kintares an hour; a cloud of attackcraft flew about three thousand kintares ahead. "How many attackcraft are in that formation?" Hthissu asked. The fightmaster glanced at his lookpanel for a few sixes of seconds. He looked at the _thak'talu_, a hint of worry creeping into his face. "Great _thak'talu_," he said, "We're detecting at least four sixties and seven sixes of attackcraft." "X'hiuuluq'x have mercy," a travelmaster across the command chamber swore. "I see nothing bad in this," Hthissu said. "Nay, the Mistress has provided us with a mighty conflict. This is the stuff of the Warrior's Path; the Mistress of the Hunt will recieve gifts today unheard of in six-sixties of years!" Several warriors cheered at the commander's enthusiastic statement. "Tell the _Jk'ttathu_ and the _Jk'gorth_ to launch thier attackcraft. We are to destroy the pair of attacking ships; they have no shields. SEND THE BOARDING PARTIES!!" * * * * * * "Entering IPC range.... NOW!" "Fire the Ionic Plasma Cannons!" Captain Stewart ordered. The two foreward ionic plasma cannons began charging up. Thousand-meter-wide bands of plasma dispensors began sending a powerful ionic charge through the weapons as the plasma fields inside the ship approached the firing point. * * * * * * "We are detecting massive amounts of energy from one of the enemy warships," the fightmaster said. "The output seems to be at least six sixties of sixties of -" "I get your point, fightmaster. Continue heading towards them.. twenty-four seconds to attack range." * * * * * * The Ionic Plasma Cannons fired. Thirty octillion degree ionized radon plasma shot towards a X'hirjq battlecruiser that was approaching the _Defiance_. When it contacted, the shields of the enemy ship immediatly buckled under the sheer damaging force of a decillion watts of energy. The beams continued, not slowed in the slightest, through the hull of the X'hirjq battlecruiser. The plasma set off fusion in the ship's atmosphere, and one second and a bright flash later, there was a cloud of molten sand where a battlecruiser once stood. "Time to recharge of IPCs 1 and 2, 19:59," the tacoff said. Aft IPC charged and ready to fire." "Reports coming in from the fighters, Sir," the flight control officer said. "No losses yet; some ships damaged. They're all engaged." "Tell any fighters that are heavily damaged to head to Spacedock for quick repairs," Stewart said. Pushing the comm button again, he spoke to the crew. "All hands, this is the captain. We are now entering engagement range with the enemy fleet. Get to the nearest gun turret that's unoccupied; all gunners fire at will." * * * * * * "..all gunners fire at will." With that order, the commander of the _Pasiphae_ sat down in his seat and tensed himself for the battle to come..... TO BE CONTINUED.