Operation Phoenix: Aruba gets a visit Leiutenant JG Aruba, known to his friends more simply as Alan, was bored out of his mind. At that particular moment he was in his Assembly Language class, learning the particulars of moving binary strings around in the CPU. "Beautiful, now I can play on the system level. How FUN", he thought. His mind drifted off, aided by the droning of his professor, to the complete lack of communication with TRES Corps that had ensued recently. Aruba was curious as to what had happened to the Corps. He imagined that this was simply due to the real life affairs that his fellow warriors all shared. Despite this self assurance, Aruba decided to check in anyway. Aruba walked home from class, enjoying the beautiful spring day. As such, he was totally taken off gaurd when his JihadLinker went berzerk. Silencing its strident beeping, the suprised lieutenant slipped the device out of his backpack to discover the display covered with emergency teltails and SOS calls. "Holy shit! What the hell is going on?" He burst into the fraternity house that was his own, kicking in his door and striding into the room. Aruba opened the closet, and being very thankful that his room was sheetrocked instead of paneled, booted in the back wall. Clearing away the debris from the wall, the TRES junior officer retrieved a thin armorshirt, a pair of pistols, and several magazines for each. Giving thanks that the weather was cool, and not the sweaty Alabama weather he was used to, Aruba sliped the armorshirt over his torso, and strapped the pistols on, one under his left arm, the other on his right hip. Covering his heavily armed form, the lieutenant grabbed a few other personals and stepped out the door. A sponge minion was waiting on him. Aruba scrabbled for his pistol, and the sponge minon punched him in the face. He was knocked back into the room, and landed in a heap in the middle of the floor. The minion stalked inside just in time to get blown backwards by the AP slug that had just been fired from Aruba's pistol. The minion's body burst as the tiny rods contained in the slug exploded outward. Aruba leapt out of his doorway and into the hall just in time to almost kill two of his fraternity brothers. "Get the fuck back inside!" he yelled. The sight of an armed man leaving behind a very messily killed body convinced them very quickly. Aruba stepped out into the main hall. Six minions leapt through windows, doors and walls, all intent on very thoroughly killing him. Aruba shot one of them and then dropped to the floor as a hail of gunfire reduced the wall behind him to rags. Two more exploded under the effects of Aruba's sabot rounds. The remaining three immediately became more cautious, taking cover themselves and poping off occasional shots. The sight of the minions behind the furniture made Aruba's trademarked evil grin appear as he shot through the couches and disintegrated the remains of the remaining assassins. "This is a frat house dumbasses! Do you really think we have STURDY furniture?!" he inquired of the corpses surrounding him. A quick examination of the bodies made Aruba's brow furrow. These creatures were well equipped, and by the look of what was left of their bodies, far more able and well trained than the flabby sponge minions he had experience with. Aruba had only been in combat with the Jihad once before, on the assault on Stryfe's supersub. These warriors were far superior to the one's he had fought that time. The thought of actually having an intelligent foe sent a sharp stab of fear through the young junior officer. Aruba fought that down and thought about what to do next. "First I need support. That means linking up with Kappa Squad. But how to get to them?" he thought. Aruba, who lived on his college campus as well as worked there, had no means of transportation. Looking out the window he saw a nondescript purple Ford idling in the street. The evil grin returned. "How thoughtful to leave me a getaway car...Mu ha haaa" he snickered. Two minutes later, the driver of the idling car was suprised to hear a tap on his window. He turned in horror to see Aruba'a pistol butt right before his eyes. The driver was trussed, thrown in the back seat, and Aruba had his transportation. He tore off down the road in search of Kappa Squad And TRES to find out why all hell had broken loose. to be continued