Operation: Pacifica, Keerklauw by Windigo the Feral (NYAR!) Windigo turned about to see J-Rock, shot through...looked to be gutshot rather sevverely at that too. No time to chase down the assailant... not if J-Rock could be patched up... She sniffed tentatively at the body...[dying, but there's still a chance he can pull through, maybe] she thought. One chance, it was dicey as hell, but it just might work... "Shard...cover me," she stated, and began a ritual she once remembered done on her... ... Windigo went back in her mind to shortly after the ones had murdered the pack...she'd found one of the robed gits and was going to rip out his throat, but instead was rewarded with a sharp stab in the guts from a sacrificial knife he pulled out of nowhere...the darkling was a kid, really, and had left her for dead... She was dying, if not there already...could see the darkening lands...then it semed like the world dropped from under her and she was in the middle of some human city. She still hurt something godawful, but the pain was lessening. At roughly this point she thought she'd ended up in hell. She was too young to die...COULDN'T die yet! The darklings would hurt others... Almost as if he knew what she was thinking, a young, pale youth with claws came before her and smiled. "Yer lookin' for killin' the gits in the robes, yeah?" Windigo nodded. "Yeah...you seen the bastards about, have you?" "Yeah, I know of 'em," the youth said. "Well, I can help you and all... you see, what it is, they're lookin' to wipe me out...haven't been born yet, not in your world anyways." Windigo looked at him puzzledly. "What be doin' ya then what they want to unmake you? You off all of 'em or something?" "As a matter of fact, yes. But I'll tell of that later--we ain't been properly introduced yet. I'm called Feral, though I'll be known by other names in future; and you are?" ... The youth later told what his game was--as it turned out, he was starting a mercenary mission of sorts to have his chosen fight against what he referred to as the Hellwyrm of Lyra...apparently these dark ones in the robes were from Lyra, were attempting to take over the world in future, and came after a great war. One of their plans, to take those changed by the war and feed on their souls, backfired in a way and lead to the Holy Albino offing the entire Lyran population. Some of the Lyrans were able to send a message to the past; this warning of their annihilation. The Lyrans then decided on a plan to take over the world by stupefying the entire populace, then enslaving them...this way, no war, no Holy Albino, their race lives on, and "everyone lives unhappily ever after, that is, if you consider living in drudgery with a brain full of nagenta blood puddin' livin'", as the Albino said. He also offered Windigo a chance to become a mercenary of sorts, one of his warriors...also said there would be others. Windigo accepted, and he performed a healing ritual which he taught to her... ... This now was the same ritual Windigo used on J-Rock. "Knowing if this will work, I am not," she sighed, and promptly began a soft chant. She channeled healing energies towards him, soothing energies of the Mother of All, could see the wounds healing up. Good--meant it was working. When that was finished, all that was left was the final part--to call his life-spark back, his soul if you will. She started and was met with a shot which grazed her ear. Windigo turned in a rage to face her attacker. "DAMMIT TA HELL, NOT BE KNOWIN' INTERUPTIN' IN THE MIDST OF MEDICAL TREATMENT BE A BIT RUDE, ARE YA?!?" The attacker, firing more bullets grazing her shoulder and cheek, quite obviously didn't give a damn for battlefield etiquette. "Greetings....I am the one known to my brethren as Maximillian the Parsimonious and of the species quantified by Linnaean terms as _Albertasaurus bharnaticus pseudocognesti_. However, adversary, you may merely know me as the instrument of your imminent demise and departure from the residences of the incarinate." [Great, just fucking great] thought Windigo as a red haze of indescribable rage began to wash over her, [giant drokkin' lizard an' what if he ain't usin' fifty-cent words where five-cent ones would do...] TBC -wtf (nyar!)