Operation: Pacifica, Road Kill by Prince Sheridan Iscarius, aka Shardik the Feral (NYAR!) Sheridan pried his fingers from the dash and openned the passenger door of the TARAV. He looked around, stretched for a minute (something about long APC rides at 200mph threw his back for a loop) then looked down the road. CyberPyro's TARAV and Sam (in Electra) were nothing more than rapidly disappearring dots on the horizon, and coming very quickly from the other direction was another TARAV. Sheridan squinted, his enhanced vision making out the form of DarkSide behind the wheel. Sheridan did some quick math and realized that if the convoy was driving at the same speed as JFox (and he used the term "speed" loosely), they'd be passing here in almost 6 hours... too long for his taste. Windigo climbed out of the back and settled into the passenger seat, noticing the inch deep furoughs in the dash where her mate had hung on to keep from being flung into the back seat. She looked out through the windshield and saw Sheridan slowly walking over to the TARAV while looking through his backpack, stopping only to dig out a CD. Windigo chuckled when she saw what it was... Sheridan openned the door and climbed into the cab, buckling his five point harness while sliding the cd into the player. The soldiers in the back breathed a sigh of relief, glad that Samhain was no longer behind the wheel... #music "502", _So Far, So Good, So What_, Megadeth "Sir, is that '502' you just put in the cd-player?" asked one trooper."Why yes m'boy, it is", grinned the feral behind the wheel, his left hand getting a good grip on the wheel while the right came down to rest on the gear shift. "Sir, isn't 502 police code for speeding or something like that?" Sheridan cackled maniacly as he stomped on the gas and popped the clutch, squealing the tracks of the Tres Corps vehicle and hurtling it forward at 150 mph. Sheridan looked in the rear view mirror and noticed the soldier who had asked about his choice in music was now sprawled out in the small cargo section in the back. The drive was fairly pleasant. Mostly flatlands, so the excessive speed at which Sheridan drove posed little danger to the TARAV. Plenty of food and drink on board (namely Quarter Pounders w/ cheese and ice-cold Jolts), a very loud stereo (which Sheridan had a nasty habit of singing along with... something he did surprisingly well, even when matched against the impossibly high notes of Lizzy Borden), and *ahem* excellent company (namely Windigo in the passenger's seat). "Windigo, check and see how far behind DarkSide we are." "Of course love [tapping a small data console] About 20 minutes behind him, we are." "Good, we can keep it steady from here... on... oh Khorne, is that a cow flying towards us?!?" TBC