Operation: Pacifica, In the Wake of the Storm by Fleet Commander Samhain, aka BlackBlood the Feral (NYAR!) "Gotcha again, Imp!" CyberPyro taunted. He'd just aced Captain Felton for about the 28th time in a row. "Dammit, CP, it ain't fair waiting for me to come back in then running the chainsaw through me..." CP cackled with glee. "It is if I can find you, Imp!" DarkSide muttered something under his breath about the whole thing was just an insane mess; at least Samhain wasn't here to help torture him. Still grumbling, he downloaded some of his special modified weapons to the shipboard network and set them up. CP was disturbed by that thought... he'd not seen Samhain for several days now. The last he'd seen of him was after their narrow escape from Pacifica. While he pondered where his friend might be, DarkSide crept up behind CP and fired a solid stream of about 30 grenades, reducing him to a bunch of fine red pixels. CP didn't even notice--he was wondering about the conspicuously absent Fleet Commander. ... Samhain sat under the massive aft set of 20" deck guns, looking out over the smooth water between the massive fantails left behind the DTT Iowa. It had been more than 72 hours since those guns had fired their last rounds against spongin forces on the island, but the area was still rank with the smells of gunpowder and heavy machine oil. The sun blazed a fiery red trail down the sky towards its inevitable rendezous with the horizon, the remaining dust from Pacifica providing a spectacle of unparalleled splendor. "'Lo CP," he said in greeting as his friend neared. CyberPyro had been utterly soundless in his approach, respectful of Samhain's contemplation and meditation, yet his presence was unmistakable. "Hi..." he responded quietly. "Amazing, isn't it?" "Yes, it is," came the simple, almost terse, reply. CyberPyro had searched nearly the entire ship from bow to stern, and he now looked at Samhain closely for the first time since discovering his place of meditation. He sat cross-legged on the deck, hands on his knees, staring out to sea. His katana and wakizashi lay sheathed roughly a yard in front of him and another yard from the railing. "What's up with the swords?" he asked, gauging his words and tone cautiously. "Is something wrong?" Samhain nodded somberly, then rose adroitly. He took a step forward to kneel by the blades. He gently slid his hands under them before standing again, both swords held flat on his palms. Turning towards CyberPyro, he wrapped the fingers of his right hand around the katana and those of his left around the wakizashi. Turning the handle of the wakizashi towards his friend, he extended it in offering. "Take it," he instructed simply. CyberPyro hesitated, eyeing the offered weapon. "Sam, what's this about?" "These aren't me anymore, CP.... maybe they never really were..." his voice trailed off as he gazed out toward the horizon once more. He looked back towards his friend before continuing. "Take it, it's yours. This..." he began, looking down at the katana, "This no longer fits who I am." Reflecting on the events of the past year, CyberPyro nodded slowly. They had spilled each others' blood, they had spilled their own blood, they had fought so long and hard. Yet, somehow, he understood that what Samhain was saying ran deeper still. He somberly accepted the sword without saying another word. Sensing his friend's understanding, Samhain stepped away from him, pivoted, and flung the katana with all his might. It spun end over end through the air as its long, graceful arc carried it to its Valhalla. A heavy silence wrapped the pair like a dark, woolen blanket as the last rays of the sunset streamed over the horizon. "Perhaps someday..." "Perhaps." Samhain leaned on the railing, looking down at the mixture of murky waters and white froth churned up behind the massive battleship. "CP, I've something I'd like you to help with when we get back home." "Name it." ... Their trip complete, the caravan of TARAVs pulled up to the still heavily damaged TRES headquarters. The commotion of unpacking and sorting out effects and equipment immediately ensued. Work progressed rapidly in the kind of organized chaos possible only possible in military organizations. Everyone, regardless of rank, pitched in as everything was done as quickly and efficiently as humanly possible. As the activity wound down, Samhain paused to look over the group. Everything was going well. He called Windigo aside for a moment, explained the situation, then transferred command. He was going to stay a while. ... Samhain reached out towards CyberPyro and took his right forearm in his left hand. Their grip locked, then released. Each reached down and shouldered their minimal packs of gear, then headed out into the mountain forests of Colorado. [End of Pacifica, TBC in "Reformation"] "In the Wake of the Storm" Copyright 1997 David R. Hibbs