Operation: Pacifica, All Aboard! by Fleet Commander Samhain, Doberman Empire Elektra glided into the Doberman Fleet Yards about halfway through the loading process. The hustle and bustle as Samhain stepped from the electric blue sports car was nearly tenfold what it normally was in preparation for the coming mission. Samhain surveyed the activity, nodded and smiled briefly at the progress, then turned and headed for the nearest barracks. "I should be in uniform. I'll see you at the briefing at 1200 hours, CP." ... At approximately 11:15 a petty officer hustled over to Samhain where he was standing in a guardhouse and watching the last of the gear get stowed aboard the final two transport ships, the _Augustus Ceasar_ and the _Sea Spider_. Everything was going smoothly so far and he hoped it would stay that way... somehow, though, he knew it wouldn't. These Operations were never quite as easy as they looked like they'd be. "Everything's aboard sir. Here's the completed checklist along with notes of where everything is stored. Right behind the list are the crew listings for the ships." Samhain scanned down the inventory list, mentally checking off the name of each TARAV driver, then flipped to the crew listings without closer inspection. "Thanks... Announce that we'll be having a briefing in the main auditorium in 45 minutes," he mused as he scanned down the crew listings. He looked closely at the listing for the _Freedom_ and noticed that his sole carrier for the mission was sorely undermanned in some key positions; more specifically he needed pilots and an airboss. He furrowed his brow, pondering how he was going to fill the holes. He stared off into space, a wry grin slowly spreading across his face. "Dismissed." As the Petty Officer hurried off to double check his own gear, Samhain headed for the Officer's club... he had a helluva pilot to find. ... Samhain stepped through the door into the Officer's club, his eyes instantly adjusting to the dim, smoky room. His objective was easy to spot... he was over in the corner playing poker with a few of the local officers. "I call," said one of the officers, adding a few more chips to the massive pile in the center of the table. His solitary opponent leaned back in his chair, saying, "Oh, you do, do ya? And I thought I could relieve you of even more Mickey-D's rations." He straightened up as he continued, "Well, let's see 'em. Caller drops his pants first." The Lieutenant smiled as he laid down his cards. "Three fours." "Hrm. Pretty good," observed the challenger, "but I'm not sure that it can top this." And with that, he showed the ace of clubs and an eight, slowly pushing the other cards into view one at a time. First the ace of diamonds, then the ace of hearts, and finally the ace of spades. "Now," he said. "Isn't that a daisy?" "Admiral J-Rock, ya old Dog! Shame on you, taking advantage of my men like that!" laughed Samhain heartily as J-Rock raked in his winnings and the men hoo-ahhed at the winning hand. The lieutenant's jaw nearly dropped open. "J-Rock?!?!? I've been playing poker with J-Rock?!?!" Now the sailors at the table howled with laughter, clearly in on what had been going on all along. "The same," smiled JR broadly. "Now, Sam, what can I *possibly* do for you?" "I thought you'd never ask!" grinned Samhain. "I need you to gather up some people from the mission group for a flight group on board the _Freedom_. Think you can handle that?" "Oh, I think I can manage. Deal me out, gentlemen. I have some work to take care of." ... The Operation group gathered in auditorium for the pre-departure briefing. Samhain stepped to the podium and thumped on the mic for attention before beginning. "OK everyone, we're getting ready to head out of here. Three hours from now--at 1500 hours--the fleet will leave port and we'll all be on our way. That should give everyone approximately 2 hours to get settled in before we leave. Now, before we get to all the nitty-gritty details of where everyone is and what they'll be doing, I have a couple brief announcements to make. First, if Trooper Aphrodite would come forward for a moment, please..." He paused briefly as a bewildered Aphrodite made her way forward from the rear of the auditorium. When she got to the stage, he resumed. "Trooper Aphrodite, it's been brought to my attention that you're due for a promotion," smiled Samhain warmly. "Kneel." As Aphrodite knelt down before him, Samhain laid his hand on her right shoulder and continued. "For your continuous dedication and loyal service to the Empire, I hereby promote you to the rank of Warrior, complete with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges therein. You shall now be known as Warrior Persephone of the Doberman Empire!" With a brief flourish, he pulled an officer's sword and some new rank insignia out from under the podium and turned back to his officer. "Arise, Warrior Persephone. Continue to serve Grimace and the Empire with faith and honor and the glory will be yours!" He bowed deeply, had the gesture returned, then handed her the official indications of her new rank and status. "Congratulations," he said, shaking her hand firmly as the auditorium thundered with applause. After the applause died down and Persephone had returned to her seat, Samhain resumed. "Now, on to all those gory little details that none of you really want to know but need to hear anyway..." ...... Two hours later, the Doberman Fleet set sail for the island of Pacifica and whatever awaited it there. "All Aboard," Copyright 1996 David R. Hibbs