Operation: Pacifica, Ride of the Vulpine by DeadLock the Feral (NYAR!), aka CyberPyro, (deadlock@one.net) Hanover, Windigo, and DeadLock entered the small room from the main corridor they had traveled. Their four companions had split off previously, heading in their directions and knowing their tasks. They closed the door behind them and huddled together like some bizarre trio of football players. "...Last Ritual of Lizzie Borden, this is ..." spoke Windigo. "...much fun! ... Why not? ... Uh-huh..." replied DeadLock between the simultaneous replies from the other two. Hanover yanked his head back from the huddle. "No way. You're crazy!" Hanover pulled his arms from the other two and backed away, clearly not liking this idea. "So, when are we going to get started?" DeadLock grinned, amused at Hanover's reaction. "Fun, this will be!" exclaimed Windigo. "Started?! Do you have any IDEA what you're asking me to do?" Hanover, aka the Vulpine, flattened his ears in annoyance. DeadLock looked quizzically at Hanover. "No. Not really. Why?" "Liked your personality to have picked you, he did," replied Windigo. She took a couple of steps towards Hanover for emphasis. He backed up, wanting to keep the distance. "Nice to have his support. Thought to ask him why he isn't doing this himself?" DeadLock closed the space between them and gave Hanover a little push. "C'mon your Yellowness, time's wasting." Hanover stood firm. He found himself turned around by the shoulders and pushed from behind, involuntarily moving towards the door. Windigo graciously pulled the door from its hinges and placed it aside so there'd be nothing to grasp. Hanover slid his heels trying to find purchase on the smooth floor. "Ack!" The Vulpine flailed his arm wildly as he slid through the door and out into the hallway. With a low grunt, he broke DeadLock's grip on him and spun around to face him. "I want you both to know something first. I.. hehehe." DeadLock began tickling Hanover's sides, sending him into sharp reports of laughter. "C'mon. It's time to go. This'll be fun!" DL tickle-pushed Hanover along, insistent on their plans. H swatted at DL with his three tails and paws, laughing the whole time. To his dismay, Windigo appeared at his side and began tickling as well. H's resistance melted under dual tickle assaults. "Mooooooooooooooooove it," smiled Windigo, doing an uncanny cow imitation. "Maybe we should carry him?" DeadLock grinned ferally. "Maybe." replied Windigo as the Vulpine coughed, trying to catch his breath. "ACK!" Hanover fought to escape the tickling fingers, not liking the idea of being carried one bit. "Got a Vulpine-a-pult? Maybe that'll move him along." DL smiled, amused at H's reactions. Windigo suddenly stooped down and grabbed Hanover's feet and legs in her arms. "Get the fore-end, DeadLock." DL hooked his arms through Hanover's armpits and hoisted him from the floor. "Watch where you're grabbin' on that aft!" yelled Hanover, swatting at Windigo with his tails. He quickly fell silent, shushing himself in the den of Lyrans, lest he attract a lot of unwanted attention. The two started walking with Hanover held between them. "It's time to go," sang DeadLock in his best June Cleaver imitation. "Trust me, this won't hurt us a bit," stated Windigo, trying to calm the Vulpine's alarm. Hanover grrr'ed in hushed voice as he was forcibly hauled ahead. "Maybe a byte! Not a bit though!" DL laughed to himself, liking the pun. He began dancing a little as he carried Hanover, thoroughly enjoying the entertainment. Hanover groaned and rubbed his face. "This is the send-off I get? Nerd puns?!" Blue electricity crackled on H's paws. "We're off to see the Wizard, the terrible Wizard of Lyra..." sang Windigo softly under her breath in tune to DeadLock's earlier song. DL bit softly into H's ear. "No shocking," he whispered. Hanover swung his arms about wildly, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. "All right, what am I supposed to say?" he asked, silently resigning himself to this idea. "Yes?" suggested DeadLock. "I mean when I get there, meathead," bit back Hanover as his two friends carried him around a corner. "Well, about how about 'No! I'm too yellow to die!!' ?" suggested DL. "Do what comes natural. Tell Charn'El pissed off at the harm to your children, you are," answered Windigo. "Oh, all right! All right!" whined Hanover as he squirmed in the other's grips. "Put me down and I'll do it." "As a really cool Halloween costume, think of it as, you should," chuckled Windigo. The Vulpine found himself unceremoniously set down on the floor. Hanover stood up, righted his clothing, and cast a withering stare at his companions. He snorted, deciding not to complain anymore. "Piggy back ride!" laughed DL as he jumped onto H's shoulders. "Gidde up! Let's go!" Windigo pushed the two forwards, snickering despite herself. "Where in my job description does it say 'Pleasure Vehicle?'" demanded Hanover. He struggled to walk, DL's weight above his center of gravity making it a difficult task. "Same place it says Nemesis's the 'Jihad punching bag'," cackled Windigo. "Am I supposed to steer with these things?" DL grabbed an ear in each hand and pulled them around like controls on some sort of vehicle. "No, you steer with THESE!" Windigo grabbed a tail in each claw and snapped them like reigns on some horse. "Will ... You ... Get ... OFF!" snarled Hanover through gritted teeth. DeadLock bent double from his perch of the Vulpine's shoulder so that he looked at Hanover face-to-face, though upside down. "Promise to do it? Hmmm?" "YES! Fine! Off!" snarled the Vulpine. "OK, he promised," smiled Windigo, letting go of H's tails. "There. That's wasn't so painful ... yet .. now was it?" asked DL as he unhooked his legs from H's shoulders and prepared to dismount. Hanover growled and shoved DeadLock from his shoulders, causing the other to fly through the air, land in a roll, and then stand with a dramatic flourish. Hanover glared at his two friends, still not believing what they'd talked him into doing. Was he completely insane for agreeing to it? "Fine. Let's go." Hanover goose-stepped around another corner, making his way towards Charn'El's throne room. Windigo and DeadLock followed after, walking in step to Hanover and humming 'Pinky and the Brain' under their breaths. - DLtF(NYAR!) Copyright, Pyrokinetic Productions, Inc. (1997)