Operation: Pacifica, Chasing the Beast by DeadLock the Feral (NYAR!), deadlock@one.net "No...no...no!" yelled b'harnii as it waddled down the hill in terror. Behind it, the crest blackened, a corona of fire consuming it. The Hell Wyrm's hunter looked around briefly, spotted his prey, and crouched down. "NYAR!" cried DeadLock as he sprang from the hilltop. He flew through the air, earth dropping away quickly before gravity began to pull him from flight. The Maenad raised the Barney Slayer high above his head in both hands and brought it down viciously the moment before contact with the earth. The Barney Slayer hissed through its arc and bit into b'harnii's flesh. Owsenite silently sliced to the bone and sucked greedily at the Lavender Lard Lord's soul energy. The Hell Wyrm tripped over its own feet in shock and stumbled forward. A deep gash extended eighteen inches from its left shoulder vertically down its back. Blistered flowered along its wound, offspring of the Slayer's passing. The Indigo Infant Ingester staggered, lost its balance, and fell as DeadLock swung again. The Barney Slayer, targeted for what passed as the plush monstrosity's neck, sliced off a thick layer of skin from the back of the beast's head and leaving rising clumps of blisters. b'harnii rolled down the hill, a bright trail of nagenta blood marking its passage. What was better, the demon felt something it never expected to experience on Earth: Real Pain. The gun shots, immolations, explosions, and beheadings it had suffered in the past were as gentle breezes against its face compared to this. Its soul was wounded, not just the bodily manifestation on Earth. For the first time in any sponge minion's existence, for the first time in recorded Lyran history, for the first time in dozens millennia: b'harnii was mortally afraid. It realized it could die, that all its elaborate plans would be for naught, that the Great Cosmic War it was waging would end in failure. Plushy resolve brought the Hell Wyrm enough concentration to teleport away from the hill and down into the city. The Maenad chanted a short spell, disappeared from view, and reappeared twenty yards from the Wyrm. b'harnii faced its enemy, every speck of power it could summon coursing through its flesh. The fabric of Earth, unused to such concentrations of mystical energy, wavered and shimmered as other dimensions poked through the swirling vortex around the Magenta Menace. DeadLock charged, the Barney Slayer poised to deliver a lethal blow. "AWAY!" shouted the beast, swinging its pudgy arm at the Jihaddi. A torrent of destructive nagenta energy surged towards its attacker. To the Great Satan of Backstage Fondling's surprise, its attack split in two. The vast majority of the energy bent mid-air and was absorbed by the Barney Slayer. A small stream struck the Maenad dead-center and sent him flying backwards. b'harnii raised a talon in a sharp upward motion and a wall of thick lavender glass the street's width materialized in DeadLock's flight path. The wall shattered with a deafening crack, shards of jagged glass showering the Hell Wyrm. DL landed amid tinkling glass, bounced, flipped over in the air, landed face down, and was still. Fires that once swirled about his body were now all but gone except for tiny sparks dancing across his back. The wyrm's evil chortling, punctuated by sharp, painful intakes of breath, echoed from building to building. It waddled backwards a bit, keeping an eye on its enemy, and began to speak. "Our fun and learning wasn't supposed to end!" mewed the Wyrm with false sincerity. Spongies left their hiding places in buildings to encircle the fallen Maenad. "NYWaR!" DeadLock growled. Spongies froze, eyes large as snowballs, then scattered and turned tail as the Maenad showed signs of life. DeadLock rolled up onto his haunches. The glass had inflicted dozens of wounds, jagged pieces jutting from legs and arms, but had failed to kill. The Maenad's blood-soaked clothes clung to his body as he struggled to stand. "It's time for you to meet some every special friends of mine!" bubbled the Hell Wyrm. The asphalt around DeadLock trembled, cracked, and burst open. Dozens of Saethrians slithered from their holes and surrounded their prey. A Saethrian thrust a lance at DeadLock and sliced across his left flank. The others, always pack hunters, moved to attack. "Destr.." gasped the Wyrm. A geyser of white flame erupted at the center of the Saethrian's circle. The centipede-like creatures shrunk back, their instinctual fear of fire dictating their actions. Blinding white light flooded between the Saethrians, causing them to shriek in pain. b'harnii chanted a couple of words, hoping to escape before the explosion came. The shockwave slammed into the Saethrians, shattered their chitinous exoskeletons into micro-fragments, and snapped their carcasses from the ground to be jumbled about in the expanding firestorm. Spongin bones and internal organs liquified on impact, the fire immolating their remains milliseconds later. Buildings collapsed and pulverized from the shockwave's brutal caress before the burning wind swept away their freshly broken remains. Two blocks from the epicenter, structures began to resist the shockwave and remain semi-intact, but were quickly set ablaze by the firestorm howling through shattered windows and doors ripped from their hinges. The tempest died six blocks from DL, burning flotsam raining down onto buildings for another two blocks. b'harnii looked out from its hiding place as sheets of flaming debris rained down upon the streets and rooves. It That Pirates Nursery Rhymes gasped: nothing remained inside of a two block radius from the Maenad. Dozens of buildings and hundreds of sponge minions had disappeared in the rush of a firestorm. Smoke threatened to choke the sun from the sky as the fires spread to new parts of the city. Fire, always gleeful to be free from the hands of its creator, spread to unaffected buildings. "This is not wonderful!" exclaimed b'harnii. A silhouette appeared in a roaring fire down the street from the wyrm's hiding place. It of the One Tooth gasped, the plush on its chest wrinkling in fear. The figure stepped from the fire, spotted his enemy, and drew his sword. "NYAR!" echoed from broken buildings to shattered rooftops as the Maenad charged after the fleeing demon, his legs pistoning up and down rapidly. 'Help!' boomed the Satanic Saurian's thoughts into the ethers. No one answered. To Be Continued! DLtF(NYAR!) Copyright, Pyrokinetic Productions, Inc. (1997)