Operation: Pacifica, People of the Sun by J. FoxGlov (foxglov@ksu.edu) The truck ambled through the narrow clear-cut road near the edge of the jungle. Verdescent shadows loomed on either side. "You have any idea where we're going, Admiral?" "Not a clue. But that city wasn't the place to stay. Besides..." J gestured forward. "Those mountains look more interesting." The forest would soon give way to a vast desert, as Richter could see ahead. Even farther than that, the hills rose into an immense mountain, visible from miles away. "Most unusual, sir. Why would a mountain be at the very edge of an island? And why would a desert be between it and a jungle?" "I know, Lieutenant. It's like someone designed this island with a wide paintbrush. Nothing about this is normal, and I'm starting to think we're being set up." J paused, and reflected. "But if any of those scans we took before the trip had a chance of being true... we have to find out." "You still think the missing Jihaddi are here?" J didn't answer at first, then only "Keep driving." He climbed onto the bed of the truck and stood facing backward. "Sir, what're you...!!" Richter got a glance in the rearview. Various unpleasant-looking creatures were advancing from the rear, visible only by brief flashes of gaudy color in the midst of gray dust clouds. Some were running, some rode vehicles. J closed one eye and squinted into the mob, then lowered the pistol, blinked, shrugged, and fired into the ground directly behind the truck. **RRUNNNCH** An enormous charred hole opened in the road where the blast hit. Seconds later, the entire mass gave a mighty, cacaphonous shriek, then were swallowed up. J grinned ferally and turned into the wind caught up in the wake of the speeding truck. Far ahead the desert issued forth from the jungle road, but the view ahead slowly shifted to include a few more sights. A solemn humanoid figure strode out into the road, to be seen many yards ahead. Behind it, another figure emerged from the trees, anything but humanoid. At a distance, it could be seen crawling out, the sun reflecting off shiny magenta plates that suggested armor, to sit up on its haunches high above and behind the other. "What is *that*?" Richter eased his foot off the gas, unsure what else to do. He glanced back, expecting to see J, but instead only saw a yellow-furred arm reaching down from the roof of the cab, handing the pistol to Andrews before retreating back up. Andrews blinked, then grinned hellaciously, slitted eyes sparkling. J emerged into view, crawling onto the hood of the truck from the roof. Richter leaned out the cab door in shock. "Sir?! What the..." J's only response was to spread his arms wide and straighten up, balancing in a crouch on the hood of the racing truck. If the two inside could have seen J from the front, they would have watched his eyes flash with energy and his mouth open wide. Instead, they only saw him raise one foot as a wave of painfully blue electric sparks arose as if from all around and envelop him in a flash so quick they only had a split second to watch him throw his arms, then his entire form spinning, and off the cab. An ear- splitting yell began in that intense instant. "NRRRRRWWRRRYYYYAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRrrRrrRrrrrRrrrrr..." The sound alone shocked both lieutenants to their core, the sight galvanizing their reaction. What was once J was now a churning, whirling cyclone of brilliant blue electrical energy, speeding forward along the road at an incredible rate. In a moment, the realization came. The humanoid figure in the road ahead was a Lyran mage, now seen in the grey robes of a novitiate, slightly altered Bedouin-style for the heat of the tropics. He and ... whatever was behind him, which was looking more and more like a giant armored centipede, were in for a disagreeable surprise at the approach of a Maenad. The Lyran stood his ground for a full minute, holding his staff aloft. He was a brave soul. No Maenad would pass by without a fight. A fine line forms the boundary between brave and foolish, and the realization at the last possible second, as the Maenad buzzed a path towards him, ruined any resolve he might have used to aid concentration. His spell of protection fizzled instantly, and in a mix of frustration and naked terror, he lunged to the left in an attempt to escape. Too late. The Maenad war cry all at once seemed to surround and fill his ears, reach a climax, then gradually fade. The Lyran blinked, and looked down in what he realized were his last remaining seconds of mental acuity, straight past what should have been the rest of his body, down, down, down into the dirt. His spinal column, along with a few flesh remnants left sticking to it, fell alongside the head in a heap. But J, or Hanover as he was known amongst the Maenads, kept going. In a raging haze, the outside world was only partially within his perception. Yet he knew a solid wall when he felt one, even one less than solidly in semi-corporeal form. The creature that had sat behind the Lyran gave a series of startled clicks, then angled its body above the pulsing spark, and dove upon it, sucking it past its mouth parts. Whatever intelligence the Saethrian (as its limited memory could assign to species) still posessed immediately realized this was not the brightest move. Its body began to shudder, starting from the head and moving downward. Blue light began to seep out from between its armor plates, and its body gave a vacuous rasp before crashing to earth. Eventually the armor plates flew off piece by piece into the trees, leaving nothing underneath. The cyclone swept itself up again and continued on. By this time, exhausted and numbed by an excess of stimuli, Richter cast eyes hard as obsidian upon the road and gave no expression. Nothing was going to surprise him anymore. Beside him, Andrews was trying to explain something. "You know... one of those... things, in the cartoons." He waved his arms in the air and put out his forked tongue. "Like thith! Blaghplabbbatbatblybbpthpt!!" He immediately felt silly, and put his hands down. "What d'you call those things? ...'zmmm... ayy-nee-un..." The truck bumped over a few remaining chitinous plates, and continued on. Both stared forward, alert, and serious. A few more piles of remains passed beneath their wheels as they moved along the path. One Saethrian straggler bounded out of the trees behind them, and caught a blast in the head. A few minutes more, and the open desert lay before them. Andrews leaned out the back window, amazed at the piles of bodies scattered about the desert. "Wow... he couldn't have done All these." Richter shook his head, and gestured. "They've been sitting there a while. Look." He gestured toward a pile of three bodies, skin dried and burned a leathery brown by the sun where it remained, pieces of faded pastel cloth hanging around and underneath. "They're thinning out as we go farther in. Probably spongies who got lost and couldn't defend themselves." Andrews gave his driver an incredulous look. "I thought humans were a little more respectful for their dead." A tired, tired sigh. "I'm not in the mood for this, Chri--" Richter turned to his right and gave a penetrating stare. "'Chris.' 'Chris Andrews.' What kind of name is that for you to have?" Andrews returned an equal stare. "It's my name. I picked it up soon after I joined TRES. Once they and I realized I was officer material, it's what I wrote on the form." "That's not your real name, tho." Richter had found sense to watch where he was driving, but pressed on. A shrug. "I had another name. Once. It doesn't matter anymore. No one who knew me by that name is around to hear. So I won't use it." A silence. Andrews started again. "Aren't you going to say something?" The truck slowed to a stop, and Richter shifted to park. "Yes." He pointed out to the right, through the window. "Why don't you go gather one of those bodies so we can bring it back with us." "What?!" Andrews extended his neck forward into Richter's face. His arm was shaky, and his eyes were glassed over. All moisture on his brow had been erased by the heat. He frowned, gently. "The heat's got hold of you. Better let me drive." Richter shook his head, holding fast. "I am the pilot of this vessel!" He paused, his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed face first onto the seat. Andrews dropped his pistol, jumped out of the cab and hurried to the other side. He gingerly picked Richter up, turned him around, and guided his feet out the passenger window, to keep them elevated. He sighed, and prepared to take the wheel. "Ah...*ah-hem*." He whirled around. "Who th... uh..." He threw his head back, gazing upward into the lenses of peculiar reading glasses, perched on a saurian magenta patterned muzzle. Saber teeth grinned slyly down at him from a twelve foot height, and thin, almost useless forearms pointed a submachine gun at his head. "Tut, tut. Don't insult my intelligence by going for that toy of yours, young lizard. Kindly refrain from moving or I shall maneuver to sever this conversation most painfully." The "young lizard" did a double take. The voice coming from the massive allosaur was as polished and as articulate as a gentleman's, but with a bizarre use of vocabulary. "Wh...who are you?" The 'saur shifted its stance and reared back to its full height. "I am known as Periodontal the Overweening, Efficacious Rudiment representing the Most High Clan M.E.N.S.A." Andrews half expected trumpets to sound. "Per...i...o...?" Periodontal (?) gave a snort and sneered at the smaller lizard. "I did not expect you to understand, you who consort with humans. We MENSAns are given names from the modicum of terminology that passes from the pitiful minds of the humans that conceived it. Their stunted foundation of discourse is our triumphant gain." Andrews shook his head inwardly. _This guy's got a gun on me. I need to think a way out of this, and trying to figure out what he's saying isn't going to help. I'd better keep him talking._ He smiled, hoping to look suitably amazed. "I'm in awe of your presence. What is to be done with me?" "You are now my prisoner. You are to be escorted to the castle of Lyran Lord Charn'El, and to become subject to the righteous bliss of True Luv. Any attempt to escape will be met with deadly force." P etc. waved his gun for emphasis. Andrews frowned, as if on cue. "You're going to take me? Unarmed? Without a means to defend myself?" A throaty laugh pierced the air. "Foolish child! If crude weaponry such as this is the only defense at your disposal, then you are a sad soul indeed." "Ah, yeah. Except that you've got one, and I don't." "Very well." The MENSAn gave his submachine a rueful glance before dropping it into the sand at his feet. "Stand forth, rapscallion! You'll meet your doom on the field of honor!" _I'm not feeling too honorable just now,_ Andrews thought to himself as he bent down to pick up the gun that was now out of his foe's reach. *BLAM* *BLAM* Two Teflon-coated slugs in its chest, Periodontal gave a gargling wheeze. "Must... save... the brainnnn..." His body, lifeblood seeping away, veered to the side, slumped forward, and crashed. Onto the hood of the truck. Andrews jumped, but couldn't move fast enough to stop what he realized too late was happening. He angrily shoved the corpse off the truck and tore the hood off from where it bent inward. He gave a frustrated hiss. The whole engine block was cracked, and all manner of fluids now drained into the sand. Andrews looked north, in the direction of the mountains, squinting into the sun. He turned and looked back to the forest. Both were a long ways to walk. He sighed and regarded Richter's unconscious body. His breathing was shallow like it had been before, and he needed water. Badly. _There's nothing to do now,_ he thought. _The others will come soon. I hope._ Far north, leaving a trail of mutilated bodies behind, Hanover had reached the point where desert gave way to wasteland. A scattered platoon of Lyrans had not slowed the rage, and only fueled the fire of the electric tornado. Something stirred within the fragmented consciousness. Someone familiar. Nearby. With the equivalent effort of a yoke flung off the back, excess energy was scattered into the air, dispersing the field, leaving what was left to sublime into form. J staggered a bit, his tails wagging for balance as he became aware of his body again. He stared back across the desert, unsure what to think of the trip he only semi-consciously realized. The sand had heated to glass, leaving a parabolic trough all the way back to the forest trail. He shook off a few stray sparks, and turned sharply to the north again. "*Uff*!" His face smacked against something large that he hadn't realized was there. Stunned, he fell backwards onto his hands. He stared upward. Blue and amber scales made a majestic pattern across and along ten feet of height and twenty of wing. A face bent down to regard him. A face he knew. "You... you're here!" Hamster sighed deeply, and folded his wings behind him, bending over the compromised vulpine. His countenance was as awesome as it ever was, with an unreadable yet still penetrating expression. "You shouldn't have come all this way, J. This was a mistake." J blinked, and continued to stare. _A mistake? This can't be happening.._ -tbc in "No One Knows"