Operation: Pacifica, Flat Earth Society by J. FoxGlov (foxglov@ksu.edu) This wasn't a happy moment for Lieutenant Chris Andrews. Twenty feet away, the tide swept up the remnants of many poorly engineered mini-sandcastles. Swarms of bleary-eyed humans in gaudy swim trunks pockmarked the beach of Pacifica's lagoon, mindlessly reforming the sand immediately in front of the crashing waves, which would just wash them away again. Occasionally a killer wave would sweep up the castle and the builder as well, who was often too engrossed to move. None of this was happening now. Now, the spounge minions had fled to their prefabricated, pastel-colored huts in the village that surrounded the tiny inlet on the western side. The Dobermensch fleet, anchored just outside the inlet, had dispatched its hovercraft. Jihad soldiers and generals alike had scoured the beach minutes after they disembarked, and were making their way through the city. The population of 'minions was too busy either mounting a pitiful defense against the invaders, or as usual, unable to tear themselves away from their TV sets to save their lives. The confusion provided cover for Andrews, and his comrade Lieutenant Richter, who both were unable to join in the fun, so to speak. "C'mon Ric... wake up. Egh..." Andrews stifled a hiss of pure frustration as he held Richter's head upright against the side of a house on the village perimeter. He only knew what his Corps emergency medical training had taught him about humanoid physiology, enough to know the victim should be taken out of the sun to avoid overexposure, and held upright to aid normal breathing. His tail swished anxiously. Richter only took shallow, ragged breaths, the sun had burned a red shade straight through his bronze complexion, and he seemed to be running a fever. And he hadn't responded to any shouts or prods, only occasional mumbling. Andrews sighed, and glanced around. He hated the water, even more after having to swim what might have been ten feet or ten miles with the unconscious human draped over his side. The two had been blown free from the wreck of the DE fleet transport ship, the WolfBane, that had carried them within sight of Pacifica, only to blow up in a freak engine explosion. Thankfully they had both been on deck at the time. He couldn't decide whether the timing was good or bad. The swimming distance had been possible, sure, but the confusion caused by the explosion minutes after the island had been sighted by the rest of the fleet made the survivor rescue half-effective at best. The two had been lucky enough to land close to one another, and Andrews had been particularly lucky to stay conscious after he hit the water. The two reached shore immediately following the first few hovercraft, and had limped to the perimeter. Andrews glanced around, realizing something. _He's drying out_, he thought to himself. _All that salt drying out on his skin can't feel too good either. Where's a garden hose when you need one?_ He scrambled to the backside of a nearby house. _Here's one... uff!_ He tugged at the hose, impatiently clawing it free of a ridiculous magenta water toy. He pointed it at Richter's parched face and turned on the flow. "Ackptht!" After a mere second, Richter was sitting up holding his hands to fend off the stream. "Enough! Give me that thing!" He snatched the hose away and drank. Andrews was unsure whether to look amused or concerned, so he maintained his usual unreadable expression. "We need to move. Hurry up." Richter tossed aside the hose. "Why, where are we?" He looked around, squinting at the reflections of the sun off the houses, and the sounds of distant gunfire. "Never mind." The two were off along the perimeter. With the diversion behind them, both found it easy going. The random, spiraling streets of the city stretched out to the east, and every resource was being dispatched to the inner bay area. A few miles, then a few more, until neither one had the advantage of stamina. The two collapsed in front of a greenish shed whose front overlapped a road that ran parallel to the treeline jungle. Richter opened his foil-wrapped caffiene pill ration, and handed one to Andrews. "This is intolerable. We can't keep walking the whole way." He sat up, and peered at the road through collapsible binoculars. Far in the distance a guard post could be seen next to another road, clear-cut through the jungle. The guard was sitting at his post, eyes downcast to a glowing gadget on his wrist. "He's watching the show." Richter smirked painfully, and adjusted the focus just a hair, pulling back to a spot in the road closer to him. He frowned, and passed the binoculars to Andrews, pointing in the direction of the spot. "What... is *that*?" Andrews grunted and sat up, peering at the place Richter pointed out. "Erm... well, it's gray, set in the ground, about 6 feet in diameter, 3 feet deep, semi-smooth surface." He handed the binoculars back. "Looks like a crater." Richter gave a nonplussed look, and shrugged, too exhausted to argue. He raised himself up to have another look... and heard a sound. Rumbling. Close, with a dull thumping that echoed. *kludge* ... *kludge* ... *kludge* ... *kludge* ... "You hear something?" The briefest pause. "Chris?" Richter looked to the side, into a very glassy, bewildered gold-scaled face. He turned to follow Andrews's gaze, and sat shocked. From within the city, towering just above the tallest houses, came the hulk of blazing pseudo-purple metal. A Wyrmbot, fifteen feet high at the shoulder and looking for all the world like B'Harnii with a lot fewer rounded edges, tromped noisily towards the clear road. Before either of the two could react, the door to the shed flew open, a crackling blue field surrounded them both, and yanked them inside in an instant, the door slamming shut behind them. "Shhh," a voice hissed. Richter and Andrews knew it was J even before they noticed the glow behind them. They peeked out through a hole in the door, watching the bot tromp along, a strange yellow truck passing in front of it, towards the guard post to a stop. "A truck!" Richter got a paw around the mouth for his outburst. "Yes, I see it, Lieutenant," J replied in much quieter tones. "We need it." He pulled his hand away, and glanced around the inside of the shed, eyes adjusting to the darkness. _Hello,_ J thought to himself as his foot bumped against a large wooden box on the floor, thoughtfully marked "NO" in bright green letters. This demanded inspection. The 'bot ground to a halt behind the truck, blocking it from view. It had apparently been sent to aid the guard in guarding the jungle passage, but wasn't expecting company... just yet. "...only when necessary, and only under strict Lyran supervision. All rights reserved, copyright 1995 Lyran Corporate Research." J mumbled to himself, reading a long white tag attached to the prize inside the box. He passed a glowing hand across his new toy -- a spaceage pistol, something out of Flash Gordon. Huge, almost unwieldy, like a squash with a handle and a gunmetal grey parabolic dish for a barrel. The rest yellow. Bright yellow. _Dunno what you do,_ J thought to himself, _but I like you already._ He turned to the door, and whispered to the two lieutenants. "Here's what we do." Ten seconds later, one Aurak and one crossbreed human burst from the shed, sprinting for either side of the 'bot. J stood his ground just outside the shed, raised the pistol at a high angle, and pulled the trigger. *PWMMMMMM* *FWAAIIISH* *CRUNCH* J's eyes went wide at the sight of the gun's discharge. He quickly lowered it, gaping as if it could tell him more. He completely missed seeing the Wyrmbot's head explode with terrific force, the body toppling backwards onto its tail, or the remaining two crewmembers making a hysterical escape back into the city, arms flailing. Andrews had just sidearmed one of the truck's occupants into a nearby tree's branches when the Wyrmbot fell over. Stunned, he dropped the remaining occupant into the dirt. Richter was more nonchalant, grinning. "Nice fuckin' Gun." The latter strode to the other side of the car, punched Andrews in the shoulder to pull him back into reality, and glanced over at the guard. Still watching his wrist TV. "Let's see." Years of experience as a helmsman on an Alliance ship should have provided him with enough know-how to drive a truck, surely. Quite a piece of work, too. Somewhere between a humvee and a Tonka [tm]. He yelled after his Admiral. "Sir! You coming?" J shook his head and made a few running vaults of the wreckage, jumping in the back. "Hit it." Andrews remembered something as Richter stepped on the gas. "Sir...how'd you get here, anyway?" "You saw that crater back there?" "Um, yes." J rapped his knuckles against his temple. "Ouch." -tbc