Operation: Pacifica, Landfall by Lieutenant Commander "ST" Geier [Day Ten of Operation Pacifica. Time:0800] Music - Piano Concerto No. 19, Mozart Although he had set his alarm for this time the previous evening, ST had had little sleep. It was now only an hour to the disembarkment to Pacifica, for the island now loomed on the horizon well within visual distance of the fleet. The botched attack of the spongin and his counteroffensive had aided him in beating a funk the long voyage had instilled in him, but that was now replaced by feelings of anxiousness, tenseness, and slight paranoia. [Perhaps I am subconsciously readying myself for battle,] he silently mused. [Shouldn't be that big a deal. We go there, kick sponge ass, liberate the captain, take them back to the fleet, and go home. Simple as that.] For about the hundredth time, he checked himself in a mirror. He had on his blue and green Omega Squad duty uniform, with his weapons in their usual immaculate condition. He stood at attention, studying himself intently. [For crying out loud, this isn't a fricking fashion show! You're here to seek and destroy, not get on the cover of GQ!] With that disgusted thought, he turned and left his quarters, leaving behind the trappings of his tenure about the _Tsunami_. [About an hour later] "Lieutenant?" "Hmm...oh, Captain Roswell, I assume it's time?" "Yes, ST, it's time," said Roswell, who had approached ST. He stood at the rail, his gaze locked on the island. "Am I interrupting anything?" he asked. "Not at all, I was just standing here thinking about...," he hesitated. "Thinking about what I'm about to do." "Don't worry about it," responded Roswell. "From what I've seen in the past few days, you should do all right. Just remember to keep your wits and know what's going on around you, and you should make it." "I don't like that word, should," laughed ST, "but I'll keep your advice in mind." He paused. "Isn't it about time for me to get my ass up there?" "Yes, it is. Good luck, ST," said the captain, shaking ST's hand. "Thank you, Captain," replied ST as he returned the handshake. He turned to leave, walking in his steady pace to the transport. Stepping inside the transport, ST could feel his breath coming in gasping spurts. He realized he was about to hyperventilate unless he calmed down. "Sir? Is there something wrong?" asked the Doberman manning the transport. ST took a deep breath and sat down. "No, not at all...just nerves," he explained in an out-of-breath voice. "Let's get this thing in the air...I'm as ready as I'll ever be...." "Yes, sir." With that, the Doberman turned to his console and activated the Zodiac. The transport lifted off without a hitch and was soon seaborne. Around him, ST could see the other transports hit the sea along with a heavily armored battlesuit rocketing by. [I wonder who that could be,] he silently noted with a twinge of sarcasm, as he drew ever closer to the island of Pacifica. Music - Symphony No. 9, First Movement, L.V. Beethoven The transport slowly but steadily pulled up to a deserted beach. About a mile away, ST could hear the sounds of the beginning of the conflict. The transport doors whizzed open, and with a wishing of luck from the transport pilot, ST set foot on the island. The instant he had both feet firmly planted, he started to hear a strange murmuring. Puzzled, he wondered if this was a mental attack by some nearby Lyran. With that, he attempted to push it out of his mind, but the strange noises continued. "You hear something?" he said in the equivalent of a stage whisper to the pilot, who was just about to depart. "Not a thing, sir. I'm sorry, I have to leave at once or my ass is fried and toasty..." "I understand," ST cut in. With an exchange of nods, the pilot left and ST began his exploration of the island. His first priority was to find the Lyran who was tormenting him with the strange noises in his head. He searched for about twenty minutes in and around his landing location and found nothing. [Must be something else,] he mused, finally giving up the search, crouched behind a large rock. "Do you think we'll be safe here?" ST instantly became alert at the sound of the unexpected voice, his eyes darting in all directions. He hit the dirt and snuck a glance behind the rock. He spotted a lone female sponge minion, unarmed and beckoning with one arm. ST heard running footsteps from the other direction, and thus he carefully shifted his position to look around the other side of the rock. He saw a male sponge minion running and obviously out of breath. He was soon at the side of the female, so ST resumed his former position. The spongin were exchanging small talk and were quite distracted as ST considered his options. The best course would be to sneak around them, but he didn't know if these spongin were alone, surrounded by a slew of others, or even real at all. The thought of a Lyran trap using an illusion crossed ST's mind more than once. There was no easy decision in this case. Finally, the spongin sealed their own fate. After about ten minutes of thought, ST looked up to see where the spongin were. He saw that they had snuck away to make out and they had been at it for quite a while. [I cannot allow the furthering of the sponge race,] he thought, arming his .357. [They chose the wrong place to do... that...] He suddenly stood up and fired two quick shots, hoping to hit both of them as they rolled and trashed about in the throes of something truly hideous. The bullets struck the back and head of the female, killing her instantly. The male was thrown back several yards from the impact. He got up and ran towards where his girlfriend's body was. ST only calmly loaded another bullet and fired, hitting the spongie dead center in the chest. With a grunt of satisfaction, he continued past the corpses inland. Music - Grieg "Hall of the Mountain King" [A few minutes later] ST carefully made his way forward through a forest, attempting to find the conflict that he could hear raging between the first wave and unknown enemy forces. As he moved further on, the murmuring grew louder, but he paid it no heed. He suddenly heard a twig snap and a muttered curse ahead. Snapping into full battle attention, he drew his .357 and Lochaber, looking all around in order to ward off the attack that he knew was now impending. It came fifteen seconds later, with a party of seven spongins jumping from the trees, weapons blazing. It might have worked had ST not known of their presence beforehand, but unfortunately for them, ST had his Magnum blazing the instant the attack began. Five of them dropped to the ground dead, the other two firing but missing. The quick and the dead slammed into the ground with a loud thump, as ST reloaded and checked for survivors. The two that lived stood up and drew swords, charging at ST with the Hell Wyrm War Chant in their throats. ST quickly seathed his .357 and drew a dagger, hurling it at the lead minion, catching him right between the eyes. The other reached ST and swung his axe clumsily at him. ST blocked it expertly and countered with a devastating stroke to the spongin's hip, felling him. A quick swipe beheaded the inept foe and left ST alone once more. [I knew I should have brought along a silencer for the Magnum,] he silently cursed. [Water under the bridge now.] [A few minutes later] He made his away along even more cautiously than before, until he finally made it close enough to the fighting to see what the sneck was going on. He saw instantly that this was not his battle. Wyrm Bots and armored TRES and Doberman troops waged war with a ferocity that stunned even the barbarian ST. With missiles flying, chainguns blazing, and all sorts of other madness airborne, ST could see that he would be toasted in an instant were he to venture onto that field. A stray missile exploded about twenty-five yards from him, causing him to duck and cover. "I gotta get out of here ASAP," he muttered, "before another stray claims me." He turned and moved as furtively as he could in the other direction. He had to find an ally. To be continued in "A Joining of Hosts" --ST