Operation Pacifica: Harm's Way part 1 by Trooper Charcharadon (highland@iastate.edu) "Can't see a damn thing through this cloud cover," Yearnshaw said. You can say that again, thought Charcharadon as Tiger 204 hummed along in the recon formation. For the past ten minutes he had been flipping sensors back and forth, trying to get some sort of reading on what was in front of them. "FLIR, lookdown radar, emissions, nothing..." he griped over the tacnet. No jamming either. That's what was really bothering him. Jamming he could deal with, because someone had to be there to do the jamming. This was just a whole lot of nothing. The sub drivers couldn't have made a mistake, could they? Sonar and fluid dynamics wasn't really his area, so he couldn't say. Finally they got their answer. "We have contacts!" DarkSide said over the radio. "Bearing three-one four, ten miles, eight hundred knots closure!" "How many are there?" queried J-Rock. "Fifteen," came DarkSide's reply. 'Oh dung,' thought Charcharadon. Then the missile lock warning went off in his ear. [set theme = "Henry V Theme" Henry V Soundtrack] "Fuchikoma!" he yelled, not waiting for orders. "Lose the drop tanks and prepare to employ countermeasures!" Tiger flight broke formation and went twisting off in manic attempts to escape the missile homing radars. Charcharadon rolled and nosed down, sliding into a serpentine pattern while Fuchikoma punctuated the sudden direction change with chaff. As Charcharadon broke into another tight wing-over turn, there was a bright explosion somewhere nearby, and Fuchikoma reported both the fact that the missiles were no longer tracking them, and that one of the recon flight had been hit. 'Christ, that was Persephone,' thought Charcharadon as he caught a glimpse of one of the planes from Tiger Flight cartwheeling towards the ocean below, sans wing. He snapped around to dogtail one of the Luv Fighters, grunting against the g-forces. Holding tenaciously to the sponge pilot's 6, he was just about to get lock when he heard a warning from Fuchikoma. Glancing quickly back he noted the second Luv Fighter that was settling in comfortably to shoot at him. "Damn!" Unleashing a short burst of twenty mike-mike at his target just to keep him honest, Charcharadon yanked his flaps and air brakes, catapulting himself out of the dogfight and chopping a lot of speed just seconds before a missile streaked from the second Luv Fighter. As his stomach was making its way back to its proper place after being left behind in that maneuver, he almost burst out laughing as the missile flew straight into the tail end of the first Luv Fighter, transforming it into a rapidly expanding cloud of debris. Charcharadon settled in behind the second Fighter, the pilot of which was still in a dazed state. He unleashed a missile of his own, which homed in on its target and detonated, sending the second sponge to follow his companion. Before he could even mentally subtract one more from the fifteen fighters, two more were on his tail and he went into another series of evasive maneuvers. "Charc, you got one coming around behind you!" DS exclaimed. Glancing back again, sure enough the first two had peeled off only to give way to a third. Grunting and sweating, Charcharadon went into yet another series of rapid turns and changes in altitude. The Luv Fighter followed him through all of them. "Urrgh.. I can't seem to shake him," Charcharadon grunted. "Break left -- now!" Standing Tiger 204 on its left wingtip, Charcharadon made a sharp roll. As the B'Harnate fighter moved to maintain its advantage, it flew right into DarkSide's waiting gunsight. A rolling burst of 20mm shells sent the fighter into its last dive, smoke trailing from its fuselage. "Thanks, DS," Charcharadon said as he slid in behind the fighter presently tailing DarkSide's Tomcat, intent on returning the favor. He got lock at the same time his own warning siren went off. Though he knew it was probably a bad idea, he stayed with his own target long enough to launch a missile. He then yanked hard over on the stick. The Tomcat hesitated, then obeyed his command. By this time, a missile was closing very rapidly on him. "Oh no, don't start doing this to me.." he muttered at his plane as the avionics started to go out on him again. "The technicians fixed you before we took off, don't pull this now!" He popped a copious amount of flares in the hopes that it would compensate for the drop in maneuverability, and it helped to a point. Instead of detonating inside one of his engine chambers, the missile detonated just about 50 feet off his tail. Charcharadon ducked down (for all the good that would do) as his plane bucked from the force of the explosion. It may have been 50 feet, but it sure as hell felt like it had gone off under his seat. Charcharadon looked at his instruments as half the warning lights for his engines, control surfaces, and fuel tanks went off at once. The other half weren't going off because they had been destroyed. He glanced back over his shoulder just in time to see a portion of one of his vertical stabilizers rip loose and go sailing away on its own. One of his elevators was flapping back and forth limply in the jet stream. Under ideal conditions he could probably still make it back to the _Freedom_. Being outnumbered, in a dogfight, and having your controls go all jell-o on you were not ideal conditions. "I'm hit! Bailing out!" Charc cried. Disengaging Fuchikoma from his instruments and hooking it onto his flight harness, he pulled the ejection lever. As he rocketed clear of the stricken Tiger 204, he reevaluated his earlier opinion. _That_ felt like it had gone off under his seat. As he drifted slowly down towards the ocean, Charcharadon shook off the momentary blackness that had followed ejecting and tried to figure out two things: whether he had managed to break his arm again, and why his leg hurt so much. He had managed to answer the first question with a satisfactory No when suddenly there was a voice in his head. [Charc - Zaph and I are coming to get you. Watch out for the nasties below...] "Persephone? Zaph?" He looked down and noticed the boat. Nagenta. That's when he figured out why his leg hurt so much. Where his sidearm would have been, his flight suit was ripped open and a nasty looking but superficial abrasion was stinging from contact with the salty sea air. Before he had time to start swearing loudly at the boatload of sponges, he was plucked from the sky by a large azure dragon. Christ, _that_ was Persephone, he thought as they went sailing away with him dangling by his parachute lines from one of the dragon's claws. He tried to climb his way up the chute for a better perch, since this dangling and spinning around in the downdraft of Zaph's wings was beginning to make him feel motion sick. Suddenly the dragon zigged drastically to the left and he lost his hold, falling back to full dangle. He glanced up irritably and was about to say something that people who are dangling from a dragon's claw probably shouldn't say when the missile streaked by on their right. Charcharadon had to admit, it was probably the first (and he hoped only) time he had actually been close enough to an air-to-air missile to actually feel the heat from it's engine as it went roaring past. Spinning around to look behind (which required a lot of effort and just a little luck, considering), he gasped at the sight of a Luv Fighter parked right behind the two (or was that three?) of them. The sponge minion pilot waved cheerily at him as he cut loose with his machine gun. Charcharadon made another hand gesture back at the pilot, with a less friendly meaning and requiring a few less fingers. "Why don't you just flame the fool!?!" he howled as Zaph zagged out of the way of the hail of gunfire. The reply he got was reasonable, if not what he wanted to hear. He scrambled desperately up his parachute to one of Zaphire's legs and struggled out of his harness, loosing the parachute to go fluttering to the ocean below and more importantly freeing Zaphire of some rather unwanted drag. He then hung on for dear life. The appearance of the _Freedom_ on the horizon was the most welcome thing he had seen all day. [to be continued in Operation Pacifica: Harm's Way part 2]