Operation: Pacifica, Wallowing in the Sea by Trooper Aphrodite (alexbell@iastate.edu) [DE Naval Yards, San Francisco, main auditorium. 1200 hrs.] Trooper Aphrodite slipped into the back of the auditorium, arriving just as Fleet Commander Samhain began to speak. She smiled as Zaph grumbled about Troopers forgetting to wake a person up... *Calm down, Zaph! Just be grateful that J-Rock came looking for us.* *Grateful? For getting you to agree to fly in one of those metal death traps? yes, thank you _so-o_ much. 'Sides what do you need with tin wings!?!* Aphrodite sighed. *We've been through all this before. _You_ get tired. Those 'tin cans' don't. Now shut up, and let me listen.* Hiding a smile as the dragon continued complaining ... quietly, Aphrodite suddenly realized that Samhain had just announced that the fleet would leave in two hours. *Two hours! How am I going to get..* *Aph!* Zaph broke in quickly, *The FC just asked you to go up there!!* Berating herself for not paying closer attention, the Trooper slowly made her way up to the front of the auditorium. *I hate being in front of large groups like this! Did he give a reason for this?* she demanded of Zaph. *Not that I heard. Now shush. He's gonna start.* Aphrodite smiled hesitantly upon reaching the stage and turned to face her CO. "Trooper Aphrodite, it's been brought to my attention that you're due for a promotion. Kneel." She looked at him blankly and slowly fell to her knees. *A promotion? Zaph?* *I'm as shocked as you are dear.* She nearly jumped out of her skin as Samhain placed his hand on her right shoulder before continuing with the ceremony. *But I'm not ready! I don't want this!* *Calm down, dear... shhh... that's it. It doesn't look like you have much choice in the matter. Besides, you must at some level be ready - or it wouldn't be happening...* Taking a deep breath, Aphrodite turned her attention back to the man standing in front of her. "...You shall now be known as Warrior Persephone of the Doberman Empire!" She smiled slightly as he added a little theatrics while retrieving an officer's sword and insignia from under the podium. "Arise, Warrior Persephone. Continue to serve Grimace and the Empire with faith and honor and the glory will be yours!" She arose and bowed deeply, trying to show her deep respect for the Commander. He handed her the official decorations and sword, then shook her hand, as the auditorium errupted in applause. Persephone returned to her seat at the rear of the auditorium, acknowledging the good wishes from her fellows. *A sword!?! Aph... I mean Persephone?* *Pers. I know... I know. What in the heck am _I_ supposed to do with a sword?* *Learn to use it I guess...* The two Companions turned gloomy eyes back to the front of the auditorium. *A sword. A stupid sword....* ... [Onboard the DTT Freedom, a couple of days after departure] Warrior Persephone looked off into the distance, watching the sunlight play on the waves. She scanned the horizon, before returning her thoughts to the nearby seas. *Zaph? Doesn't it seem like we swam in these waters just a few days ago?* She heard a gentle laugh in her mind, before it filled with the melodic voice she had come to treasure. *Why yes, it does... maybe because it has only _been_ a couple of days?* Pers scoffed at her friend. *But so much has happened since then! I feel so ... I don't know ... different!!* *Why? What has changed? The promotion?* Knowing she had found the source of her Companion's distress, Zaph gentled her tone. *You know, even though your name has changed, you haven't changed any.* A touch of humor entered her 'voice', *Trust me. I'd know.* *But I feel like a totally different person, like I'm not _me_ anymore* Her mind was filled with soft giggles again. *Now that makes no sense at all. You, my dear, are just scared again. Don't worry so much! We'll be fine! Now, straighten up... company's coming.* Persephone shook her head briskly clearing her mind of stray thoughts, before turning and facing the person coming towards her. "J- Rock!" she exclaimed, a bright smile forming on her lips as the TRES Admiral approached. "Why look so serious on a gorgeous day like today?" Her smile quickly faded, replaced with concern as she learned of the unexplained ships' presence. "Say no more, sir. Count me in." Seeing him hesitate, she continued, "I know there's danger involved. But we both know that I have a better chance than most of getting through it." "All right then. We leave in 20 minutes." She smiled her acceptance as he rushed off to find more pilots. Persephone followed a little more leisurely as she went to suit up for the flight. To Be Continued... Copyright AlexBell, 1996