Guest Book
Read It
Write In It
Old Guest Books
About the Book

Read It

Our guestbook works a little different from everyone else's. All comments are collected into files until they reach 250K in size, then they're auto-archived into a library and a new book is begun. When reading an individual book, you can specify the range of pages you would like outputted to your browser or simply specify "all" and get the entire book. When we start having archives, you'll also be able to read archived books in a similar manner.

Read from Current Book

All Pages


Write In It

Getting your name up in lights is pretty easy: fill out the form below, include your name and email address so people will have some idea who you are, then hit submit and you should go into print. For those of you concerned about spammers or some marketing sleeze using this page to harvest your mail address -- check the "Corrupt Me, Baby" box and we'll store your address internally, then generate a random, bogus email address to show to the world. We'll never release anyone's addresse for sending out spam or other unwanted garbage -- the people who put this page up despise spam as much as everyone else.

Name: Email:
Corrupt Me, Baby

Enter your message here:

Old Guest Books

At the time of this document's writing, there are no current archived guest books. Afterall, this is a new section. Give it some time and it'll fill up. The site administrators will be auto-notified when the first book archives itself, so this section should appear neat the same time that the current guest book empties out. :)

About the Book

This site was brought to you by the nice, friendly coders from the CGI Division at Pyrokinetic Productions, Inc. (1998) The Team decided to include a Guest Book this time around in rebuilding the site to see what the response would be like and how much it would be used. Let us know what you'd like to see and we'll work on adding it.
If you're interested in the technical aspect of how things work, we'll give you this little hint: everything involves four-hoofed critters. Make sense and know what we're doing now? Good, give yourself a star. Lost? Familiarize yourself with the Arcana of technology! :)