Jihad Quiz!

Jihad Quiz!
The Quiz
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Howdy. Late one night an idea popped into my head: "Why not have a quiz about the Jihad?" It seemed like a good idea: people can see what they know and also learn something in the process.
So, here's a nifty little Web quiz. There are four sections: terminology, history, trivia, and miscellaneous.

For each correct answer you get out of 20, you get one point. There is only one correct answer per question.

Scoring is determined as follows:

17 - 20: Excellent. Not much slips past you.
13 - 16: Good. Brushing up on your studies isn't a bad idea.
9 - 12: Fair. More reading a very good idea.
5 - 8: Poor. Homework is mandatory at this point.
0 - 4: Sponge Minion. Barney said not to take the bad Jihaddi's Quiz.

So, without further ado, here's the quiz.

The Quiz:

Section 1: Terminology

#1: The Concentric Circles Award[tm] is:

An honor. Wear it proudly.
Much too skimpy to wear as a business suit.
Only available in purple and green.
Given to someone so the Jihad Archery Team[tm] knows where to shoot.

#2: The Hell Wyrm is:

B'habii B'hopp
B'hii J'haa
Crow T. Robot

#3: Grimace is:

Barney's love child.
A Patron Saint of the Jihad.
A spokesman for Burger King.

#4: A Maenad is:

A good opponent for arm wrestling.
An adopted child of the Holy Albino.
A May-what?
A servant of Barney.

#5: Imminent Demise of the Jihad[tm] means:

Film of the actual event at 11.
We're all going to die!
We won't live past tomorrow.
The speaker feeds a self-fulfilling prophecy of inactivity and self-decay.

Section 2: History

#6: The Jihad started in 1993 with this number of people:


#7: Which one of these people was a founder of the Jihad?:

Fleet Commander Samhain
Wayne Syvinski
Lord Tilden Owsen

#8: This person was the only "leader" of the Jihad forcibly stripped of their titles:

J. FoxGlov
Fleet Commander Serbeus
DeadLock the Feral (NYAR!)
Ennio Phillips

#9: The Jihad primarily posts to alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die and alt.tv.barney now, but what group did it originate in?


#10: "WANKER!" was made infamous by this ab4d troller:

Kgun (wishes he had big boobs instead of being one)
Lizette Loroski (the Ludely Large Lumbering Liar)
Chris Carrier (the Miscarried)
Glen Patrick Ryan (rest in pieces)

Section 3: People

#11: The Mint Goddess is:

Admiral Melanie Davies, TRES Corps
Commodore Shahrazad, TRES Corps
Centurion Aphrodite Persephone Selene, Doberman Empire
Windigo the Feral (NYAR!)

#12: "PenEater" is more commonly known as who, amongst the VRDET crowd:


#13: "Late Spice" is:

Melanie Davies
Galand Cerberus
Shadur t'Kharn
Nexxus Kline

#14: The "Midnight Preacher of IRC" is:

Kurt Schiller, TRES Corps
X, the Chundernet channel bot
Fleet Commander Samhain, Doberman Empire
Katze Brenner, Verthandic Rangers

#15: Which pair of people leads a dual life as humans and furniture:

Samhain / CyberPyro
Shadur t'Kharn / Aphrodite Persephone Selene
Windigo / Shardik the Ferals (NYAR!)
Brad Turcotte / Flaagg

Section 4: Quotes

#16: "Some people call them terrorists. These boys (and girls) have simply been misguided." was spoken by:

Mikey Crawford during his "Luv Evangelism".
KMFDM, Nihil album, Terror track.
Lyons Corporation, in a press release on the Jihad.
DeadLock's lawyer at...ahem...never mind. O:)

#17: "As it stands, you're probably one of the more coherent 'get a life' posters to emerge on this newsgroup, which IMHO puts you above spammers but below canned cling peaches on the Net's evolutionary ladder."

Malaclypse the Seeker
Lt. Bos, TRES Corps
Admiral J-Rock, TRES Corps
Warrior Cecrops Tangaroa

#18: "You know, it just doesn't seem quite like Justice unless the bad guys have to cleaned up with a wet-dry ShopVac."

Trooper Tantalus, Doberman Empire
DeadLock the Feral (NYAR!)
PHLOWER, Photosynth at Large
DarkSide, the Art Slave[tm]

#19: "I was having an intelligent discussion with the wall earlier today, and it told me something very interesting... That the two of you were identical twins separated at birth... This came as no surprise to me, since you both behave in much the same way, save for the fact that the wall actually holds something useful up, and it is a better listener."

Lord Tilden Owsen
J. FoxGlov
Necktie Junction
Ozzy the Feral (NYAR!)

#20: "I think the best case for a.b.d.d.d. has to be the fact that, with a few exceptions, posts by you guys are relatively intelligent, while anything posted in opposition is written by some dude who can't spell his name or figure out what that little 'Shift' key's for."

Windigo the Feral (NYAR!)
Amanda Van Rhyn
Bob Carr

Bonus question!

#21: On a hike through the woods after your first "Jihad 101" class, the path leads to a large clearing in the trees. Strewn around this green warren are over 20 mauled, dismembered sponge minions. In the middle of all this carnage sits a fluffy, white bunny innocently nibbling on some clover with its stubby tail pointed in your direction. Do you:

Stride out into the clearing and offer it carrots.
Stand in place and scream in horror.
Quietly creep away while you're still downwind.
Pluck the adorable lapine up into your arms and hug it tightly.

Okay, now you're ready to hand this thing in. Please give us a name so that, if you want your exam logged, people will know who you are. If you uncheck the log option, the name doesn't matter.

Your name:

Add my scores to the database!

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