Segment: "The Big House" The corridor was dark. Dark and stifling, like the hall in a movie theater. The little light there was came from a small (2 cm) strip of lighting in the ceiling every meter. Selvane could barely hear his footsteps, or the footsteps of the 2 guards securing him as he was lead through the tight hallway. His hands were bound behind his back, and his legs hurt like hell. 35 km of hiking and a street fight will do that to you. The corridor turned ahead, and opened into a large dark room, lit by a circle of lighting strip at the top of the domed ceiling. There were 2 doors at the back. Both lead down a dark corridor. In the center was a black desk with 2 men standing at it. The desk was more of a box with lots of blinking lights and buttons. Selvane was hustled in front of the desk. The two officers were plump and looked rather jolly, except for the sidearms. There uniforms were the same as the gate officer's, except the orange highlights were replaced with blue. The soldier holding Selvane's right arm addressed the two, "Onad, me koob," one of the officers on the other side of the desk chuckled. "Estrada koo?" all four of the soldiers enjoyed a slight chuckle. Selvane got an annoyed look on his face. The desk officers shook their heads. One grabbed a small camera and took Vladiva's picture. He was turned to the side. Another picture. He was turned to face the desk, and bent over the side. The man on the left side of the desk garbed a small tube that look like a fiber optic wire and shined it into his eyes. *Retinal scan,* Selvane thought. Next, the other desk officer held something that looked like a microphone up to Selvane's lips. He pressed a button, and a speaker somewhere on the desk began to play a recording. "Bentna sta, zilla, sempta, kroth kan. Belta stor, dru, shraada, usk val. Kreptor gauss, nan sempher, vale......" it went on for several minutes, until finally it played, "State your name, place of origin, employment, and language..." {The following statements by Selvane are translated from Russian} "Selvane Vladiva, Earth, aircraft engineer, Russian," Selvane spoke into the microphone. The two rotund desk jockeys seemed satisfied, and waved Selv and his captors toward the door on the left, behind the desk. He was hustled down what seemed another endless dark corridor, until they reached a dark square room. Sitting at another boxy desk in the far right corner was another jolly looking blue uniformed officer. He stood, motioned to the border guards, and the shackles were removed. The desk officer removed Selvane's pack and set it off to the side. He was then pressed against a wall spread eagle and frisked. Most everything was removed from his person and placed in a carton with the pack. The guards produced the Gloc and knife, and placed those in the carton too. The desk officer carried the carton over to the far side of the room, near his desk. He pressed a button, and a large panel of wall slid up to reveal a black gray metal box. The carton was put into the box, and the panel slid back down. There was a whoosh sound, and then a slight whirr from the wall. The officer nodded to the guards, and Selvane was hustled back down the hallway. He was shoved back to the first room, and moved down the other corridor, which again seemed like an eternity. They reached what seemed to be dead end. "Chapps!" shouted one of the guards. A door slid down behind them, and a mechanical whirr enveloped the room. *Elevator,* Selvane guessed, even though he didn't feel the familiar pull of gravity associated with elevators. Soon, a panel on the opposite side of the small box opened up, and Selvane was again hustled down a dark corridor, same as all the others, except every 2.5 meters there was the outline of a door, and some characters on the wall in gray coloring of some sort. They reached some door or other, full of symbols Selvane didn't recognize, but assumed were his cell numbers. "Invat!" one of the guards called out, and the door slid up. The firm grip on his biceps was released, and Selvane was unsamarrily shoved into small (shock!) black cell. To the left was a cot, and the right a faucet and toilet of sorts were against the wall. All in black. There was a mirror above these. There was a single strip of illumination on the ceiling. The door slid down. Selvane looked around his surroundings. "I've been in worse prisons," he muttered, "In the old country, this would qualify as a cheap hotel room," he chuckled slightly to cure his own uneasiness. *Nexxus knows where I am. She has Aristalarus. Probably going through customs right now. Just have to wait for her to talk to her friend,* he tried to comfort himself. It was actually his first time out of the dimension. On Earth, you can always escape and get back home, some way, some how. But here? Maybe the team would decide to go after Katze, and have to list him as MIA? After all, he qualified as a foot soldier for this op. She was the councillor. All these doubts ran through Selvane's head, but to his credit, the ruddy man didn't show it, *No use thinking about it. Doesn't change the situation,* he shrugged, and laid down on the cot. About a foot of leg hung off the end. His last thought before dreaming of his home was characteristic, *Wish I had that Smihrnoff with me now...* A short time later (perhaps 20 minutes), Selvane was woken by a the hiss of the opening door. He awoke with a start. In the doorway was a tall man. There was a scar across his left cheek. His black eyes dared meet the Slav's dark jade gaze. The two locked their eyes in cold stares, penetrating, seeking. His uniform was blue, like the desk officers, but he was missing their jolly figure. His boots were polished to a perfect black, and every button sparkled. His face was grim and determined, and would not leave Selvane's stare. He was not human. The jaw came to a distinct point, and his eyebrow ridges were low, and came all the way up his forehead and met his short brown hair. He had no visible facial hair, aside from eyebrows. His posture was straight, emphasizing his well developed chest and soldiers. In his large left hand was a small datapad. Selvane stood, never letting up his gaze. The officer broke the silence. In Russian, "Selvane Vladiva?" Selvane nodded, "You are officially under arrest by Chi-Lin law enforcement for attempted illegal entry into the city, assault of an officer of the justice, evading arrest, reckless endangerment of the populace of Chi-Lin, reckless behavior among heavy vehicles, and possession of an unlicensed weapon within the city limits. Do you understand these charges?" again Selvane nodded. "You are not from this dimension?" he didn't wait for an answer, "What are you doing in this place, raising hell?" "I took a wrong turn," he answered curtly. The officer glanced at the datapad, "This says you are an engineer," Selvane nodded, "How does an engineer best one of our finest guards at hand-to-hand combat after racing through a wall of vehicles?" he squinted at the Ranger. No answer. "Why did you race through those vehicles? What was so important that you had to risk your life?" No answer. "Who were those three people you spoke to?" "If they were touched..." Selvane trailed off menacingly. "We are searching for them now," he continued, "Why are you really here, Mr. Vladiva?" Selvane remained resolute in his silence. The officer huffed in disapproval, "I can see I'm getting no where with an ingrate vigilante like yourself. You know, this isn't helping your case," he turned toward the door panel, "Invat!" the door slip back up. The officer turned over his shoulder, "You should be arraigned by mid-day tomorrow," he sneered as the door slid back down. *Nexxus better find her friend,* Selvane thought, slightly rattled. With the inquisitor gone, he went back to sleep. In his dreams, the unfortunate Vladiva dreamt of the labor camps he had seen in Siberia. The moans of the people slaving in the gulag filled his head. The breath of the morning; And I keep forgetting; The smell of the warm summer air. I live in a town; Where no one smells a thing; You watch your feet; For cracks in the pavement. -radiohead, Subterranean Homesick Alien