VRDET Op: The Marraketh Connection Segment #12: "10 Reasons it Sucks to be a Cat" By: Nexxus ============================================== For animals, the entire universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from, and (d) rocks. -- (Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites) Nexxus, having only just shifted into feline form, found herself running through 'd', towards 'c'. "I *know* that can't be a Lyran, it can't, it *just can't*." she muttered to herself. "Ow! Watch it! Stupid sponge. There'd better not be a bald spot on my tail now..." Nexxus darted her way through the teeming masses of sponge castle guards, dodging as many feet as possible. Being a small cat, it was easier to get through the crowd and maybe less painful than accidentally getting run through with some careless sponges sword. She needed to find out what was up with that Lyran, and more importantly, if it *was* an actual Lyran. She didn't think it was. After all, she'd never heard of one being in Marraketh, and it didn't seem very Lyran-like to go blowing up holes in walls when you could simply demand the gates be opened for you. "*Yeow!!!*," she howled over the clanging of swords and stomping of panicked feet. Someone had just trod on her tail again. "This is ridiculous." she grumbled to herself. Extending her claws, nexx took her revenge and swiped a small gash in the leg of the offending foot. She was rewarded with a surprised yelp from above and took advantage of the raised foot by dashing forward to the edge of the crowd. With a quick look around, she sniffed for the Lyran scent and ran for the corridor it had taken. She found herself standing in a torch-lit hallway, stone floors, slightly damp feeling, echoes...the typical castle corridor. It lead straight forward for several feet before breaking off into two directions and after a quick sniff or two, Nexx headed left towards the Lyran scent. Something about it was familiar though, like she'd smelled it before, but she wasn't able to pin-point where she'd come into contact with it. Nexx continued along the hall, dodging a sponge here and a rat there, going right and then right again. The deeper she stalked into the bowels of the castle, the more spongin she found herself trying to dodge. If it wasn't for the scent she had to follow, she'd have had no hope of finding the Lyran for all the dodging she was having to do. In an attempt to catch up a bit more, nexx stalked a bit faster down an empty stretch of hallway and around a corner, right smack into a large group of sponge who were probably supposed to be heading for the courtyard and looking for any excuse to be delayed. She tried to dart back around the corner and found herself being lifted off the ground. "PRETTY KITTY!" drooled the sponge as it ran it's slightly damp hand up the back of nexx's neck. "Looky, looky! I found something!" it exclaimed like a three year old who'd spotted a piece of candy on the ground. Naturally, the rest of the sponge thought the 'kitty' was more interesting than heading for the courtyard. "Eww, carrot breath!" she winced to herself. "This will NOT do." Being a cat of little patience, nexx did what any cat would do when faced with 50 or so sweaty-handed, drooling, idiots that insisted on petting and cuddling like a toddler on pixie stix. She surrendered to feline instinct. Her tail puffed to three times it's normal size as she flattened her ears, slit her eyes and with a few hisses and growls, clawed and bit her way to freedom...if you count being dropped and nearly trampled in an attempt to recapture, "freedom". As soon as her paws touched the ground she shot through a strategically located opening between a sponges legs and into what appeared to be the only open space left in the hall. "Well isn't this just a fine bag of french fries you've gotten yourself into." Nexx cursed to herself as she dodged left and right to avoid the increasingly larger parade of would be captors behind her. Spotting an open space that might offer her half a chance at a fifty yard dash to a safe spot, nexx just managed to squeeze out of grabbing distance of a particularly quick sponge only to find herself scooped up once again. The difference between this captor and the mob behind her though, was that this captor wasn't wearing "Au de Carrot" and waving her around like a plushie. Nexx took advantage of the large sleeves and found a place to hide just in time to hear her rescuer mumble something about flares and arrows, followed by a 'swoosh' and the sound of rapidly departing spoungin. About the time Nexx poked her head out to watch the fleeing pests, it occurred to nexx that she should perhaps venture a good look at her assumed rescuer in case she had just gotten herself into more trouble. "You know, Ari-chan," the Lyran said conversationally, "Marraketh isn't really a cat-intensive area. I suggest you transform back to normal and follow me. Kat's down in the dungeons and we don't have too much time, if you know what I mean." Her first instinct was to puff her tail and dig in her claws, but the actual meaning of the words filtered past the fear of being face to muzzle with a Lyran. "Meow?" she ventured, shaking her head before trying again. "Mal?" She relaxed her grip and told her fur to flatten itself out. "Is...is that really you?" she squeaked. "I...set me down...I had to follow your scent. I don't know if I can change back yet, it takes a while if you let the instincts kick in and I really didn't have a choice...I can keep up in this form." TBC in: "Would you like a refill?"