[Okee, here we go again... any more comments? Phoe... is this better?] VRDET Op: The Marraketh Connection Seg #3: Watch that first step... By: nexxus 3 kline ================================== "Which way did he go George, which way did he go?" -Bugs Bunny No ammount of training, knowledge or skill can prepare you for the inevitable realization that you're not in Kansas any more... or Colorado, as the case may be. Dimensional travel comes in many forms, and for every individual soul there's at least a million ways a person can percieve what's happening to them when they take that first step towards what's behind "Door # 3". Nex had gotten into the habit of taking no notice, except this time. For someone who travels to dimensions without the aid of high-tech gadgets, artificial gates offer up a virtual 'Pandora's Box' of feelings, sights, sounds and smells. This time the feeling was that of putting on a sweater with a bad case of static cling, and thinking back on the whole affair, it sounded like it too. There was a faint electrical buzz once you left the platform and generator behind. For being such a bright looking entrance way, it sure as hell was a dark couple of steps to the other side. The smell was't exactly pleasant either... it reminded Nex of ozone and burning, wet, dog hair. She made a mental note to hold her nose on the way home. She shook off thoughts of holding her nose as the others began to appear behind her. Stepping to the side, she scanned the immediate area for anything that could be considered a threat and finding none, set about taking a mental roll-call. So far, so good. No one was missing... yet. "Cal, better get the communications equipment set up." she said, giving him a whole second and a half to adjust to the surroundings as he stepped out of the bright light. He nodded, like he always did, and snagged a rather suprised Phoenix as he stepped from the gate to the sand. "Everyone, stay in the immediate area. As soon as everyone has made it through the gate we'll set up a scouting party. In the mean time, we don't need anyone wandering off and getting eaten up by the local animal population." she half ordered, half joked. Five minutes later.... The natives were getting restless. "Where the hell is everyone else?!" she said in a worried/impatient voice. It had been too long since the last person had stepped through the gate, 3 people were still missing. Aris, Selvane and Sebastian had failed to step through. The others in the group were beginning to look worried, a few had begun to whisper amongst themselves. "Ok, no panic, it's probably just a small delay, someone probably freaked out and they'll be here any minute." she rationalized. "I wonder if the gate's stable." Phoenix walked over. "How long can Mal hold it open?" "Come on, we haven't got all day!" she exclaimed with impatience. As if to answer for her, the gate shifted slightly and disappeared. Before anyone could react, she turned, ran towards Cal and asked, "Cal, can we get a confirmation on their location? Are they still at HQ?" "That's a negative." he replied almost instantly. "The connection with head quarters was severed when the gate shut down." "AIIEEEE!!!" Nex screeched. "Phoe, you come with me," she directed. "Everyone else follow through with the plan, Calculus is in charge. Stick together and avoid running into any more people than you have to. Phoe and I will start looking for the others, assuming that they are here and not dead or stuck in limbo somewhere." With that, she snatched up her equipment, motioning for Phoe to do the same and headed off down the beach, leaving the bewildered group behind. Phoenix, following her lead, did the same. As he caught up to her she turned and said, "We have to find them." Phoe just nodded. "Before something else finds them. It's not safe for them to be here wandering around." "How are we going to locate them *here*?" Phoe questioned. "We don't know the first thing about this place. We have *no* maps, who knows what kind of wildlife is wandering around... this place is huge, it'll take years to cover it on foot. We can't exactly go trekking around out in the open calling for them either and that's all based on the assumption that they are here." "Simple, we won't look for them on foot. We're going to cheat." she grabbed his hand as she said this, placing her other on her neck, over her medallion. "What ever you do, don't let go of my hand." she told him. "Ok..." he replied with a strange look. He wondered if he should ask what she was up to. "Don't worry!" she said, it'll all be over in a minute." and with that she smiled, closed her eyes and shouted, "Return!" Ten seconds later they were standing just outside the gates of a rather large city. The gates were constructed of a metallic type material, stood about as high as a 4 story building and looked very much like they could withstand anything short of a full-scale nuclear war. The attached wall was equally imposing, being constucted of the same material only with 12 ft. spikes at the top. The guards at the gate had spotted them immediately and were watching impatiently, waiting for them to approach. "You can let go of my hand now." Nex said impatiently, shaking her hand free from Phoe's death-grip. "Welcome to Chi-Lin. This is where I grew up." "Fascinating, absolutely fascinating!" he exclaimed, already having found something that interested him. "What are you on about?! It's just a damn gate!" Nex exclaimed with exasperation. "You can come back and..." "No! Not the gate," he interrupted. "That!" and pointed at the sign hovering above the entrance gate to the city. "It's hovering! There's no obvious support for the sign..." he began excitedly, walking quickly beneath the sign to look up at it. "Yeah, whatever. It's just one of those 'Welcome to Chi-Lin' signs, every town in America has one of those. Can we *PLEASE* get on with it?! You can look at the sign later!" Nex cut in angrily. "Nex! NO town in America has a sign like this one!" he began. "This sign is suspended with anti-gravitational equipment, I haven't seen technology like this since..." "Yeah, yeah anti-gravity," she replied. "big deal. Now can we *please* get on with it?! We haven't got all day, you can take a trip down memory road some other time." she was standing close enough to grab him by the arm now and did so, his brain was day-tripping. Nexx had never bothered to think about things like anti-gravity, it was just an everyday concept in the technology she grew up with. She began dragging him by the arm towards the gate. Phoenix was not registered with the Chi-Lin authorities and would have to get an ID badge before he could enter the city. nexx