Operation: Home Front - At the Threshold Centurion A. P. Selene, DE / Rear Admiral Will Keith, TRES At the main entrance to the base, Captain Mitchell was doing his job of attracting attention quite effectively. The Jihaddi had grouped up behind some of the heaviest vehicles they had, both as cover and as the occasional armament, and were taking a more proactive approach to the mission. Automatic systems had long since been shut down by heavy fire. The main obstacle now was the excellent construction of the base, which split off from the main hall in literally hundreds of tunnels, some broad enough to admit a truck and designed for that purpose, some only single-person doors, some right off the ramp, some accessible via stairs and catwalks, but all of them manned by spongies obeying the very simple directive to fire at anybody who wasn't one of them. They died easy, they died fast, but there was always another one. Their aim was terrible, but that many bullets hit targets eventually. Surveying the loss rate, though, Mitchell figured that with the heavier artillery holding their escape route and pockets of men holding position along their entryway, they'd be able to make it to the Generator. All it would take would be guts, and that, they had. In the Core, Rhyn pondered his options and wondered what the hell was taking Faide and Kajj so long. Finally, Kajj called in. "The Jihaddi appear to be pursuing a simple strategy. They are fighting their way in, and have passed several likely-looking entranceways. I believe the position of the Main Generator has been compromised." The little jade who was hopefully at this moment becoming one of his loyal spongies, no doubt. "Well, employ an equally simple opposing strategy. Prevent them from getting there. Killing them would be effective for this purpose." "Indeed. I think the best place to take them would be in the corridors, where my men can best engage them. I specialized them in non-technological weapons." "Hand-to-hand? Sword, Boppers[tm] sort of thing?" "There are archers and crossbowmen, poisoned arrows, explosive heads and such, but mostly hand weapons, yes. I've found them to be more expeditious when fighting comes down to the wire, which it almost always does. Suggest you weaken the defense around that corridor and allow me to emplace my men to engage." "I'll weaken the back halls, but the primary turn-off will stay heavily guarded. Enough to slow them down, if not stop them." "Very well." He clicked off. Rhyn immediately opened a channel to Faide. "Are you in position yet?" "Have been for some time." "Why didn't you tell me?" "You're a smart man. I figured you'd know. What would stop me from arriving if all the Jihaddi are in the main hall?" One day, Faide, you will assume one more thing than you should and I will have you. Then I will turn your misandrism to androphobia and enjoy every minute of doing it. The Lyrans must be rubbing off on him. "Fine. Just be alert. If the Jihaddi get that far, I may not be in a position to inform you they're coming." "They're coming." "That's what I-" "No, you idiot, they're here! Oh, wait they're - you son of a bitch! I don't need your help to secure a goddam doorway! Get your troops out of here and let me do my job! You MEN! You always think-" Over her rantings, Rhyn said, "I didn't send any men to help you." "Then who are these guys?" Just then, the sounds of weapons being drawn and used came over the comlink. "Holy shit. We're being attacked!" "Jihaddi in disguise?" "Not unless they got a lot stupider. Spongies, but they're serious about it. I.... oh, screw you." There came the sound of the comlink being thrown to the floor. A cry of female rage sounded before someone stepped on it and ended the call. What the hell was that about? Spongies attacking Faide? A Liaison? But none of them would dare! Had the Jihaddi gotten to them somehow? But they wouldn't have left them mindlocked... He rubbed his temples. What was going on? Arill called to him. "Rhyn old pal, we've got serious problems." He was looking at a video screen showing Faide and her engagement. "These troops aren't from this base. Not only that, their behavior patterns are seriously out of whack with norms for spongies." "'Out of whack?' Could you make that a little less technical?" "They're organized and focused. They cooperate, albeit in limited ways. Faide still has the advantage in terms of intelligent command, but it's tenuous to say the least. And their goal isn't the Generator - they're here for her." "But why? Can you tell anything about them?" Arill began choosing commands. He zoomed the camera, took a number of snapshots, then checked each one. Finally he found one that had captured a good view of the new unit's insignia. "I don't recognize it. You?" Rhyn took a look. "No, I don't. I... hang on." He stared at something that looked like a bit of scar tissue on this particular sponge's neck... where was it familiar from? The original stroke and the scar type were like those he'd seen on Lyran experiments. His bosses had found him out. And they weren't giving points for creativity. "Oh, shit." Arill instantly got nervous. All sneering calm until the least little thing shattered his facade and he became a quivering wimp. "I don't like the sound of that, Rhyn." "You aren't expected to." What to do? His reserves were dwindling fast, but there was still one unit he could try. He slapped a particular com switch. "Rhyn Special. Unit report to Junction Core 12-A." He turned to Arill. "I'm going out to take matters into my own hands. You command here." "What?! I don't have any military command experience!" "Just keep men following the Jihad and harassing them. Trap them. You know how to give orders to sponges. Let Kajj do his work. I'm going to stop some Lyrans." Under Arill's aghast expression, he pulled on his uniform jacket and strode out. The Jihaddi scouts had come back with some unusual news, and the group had moved forward cautiously to confirm. Sure enough, there was a melee in front of them, in a large antechamber. Behind it, a 20-foot high crystal pryamid gleamed with sickly lights flitting about inside it, banks of computers and terminals surrounding it. Thrilling as this was, the view of spongies fighting spongies was unusual enough to merit a careful look. The leader of one set of forces was obviously a woman doing some serious damage to her foes, calling out orders to the ones following her. In the uncertain light, her black, neatly-patterned dress hid her well in the fray. She was pretty, in a way, but the guys rather stopped being interested when she disarmed an opponent, kneed him in the crotch, and broke his neck while he was bending over instead of using her already-bloodied sword. The fact that her dress itself didn't show any blood stains was also a little unnerving. After a brief look, Will said, "We're going to have to go through them. You think they'll kill each other off in time to for us to do our job?" Selene replied, "Like you said, you think we have the time to wait?" "Touche." Turbo added, "Those guys are the ones I came here with. But if they're after me, why are they fighting her?" Selene thought. "We're so close to our goal, it's probably irrelevant, as long as we get through them. Just let 'em fight." Will nodded. "Allright Jihaddi, the point isn't casualties, it's getting in that room and holding them - whoever 'them' is, one or both sides - off long enough for us to disable the Generator and get out of Dodge. Comprende?" A low chorus of "Yes, sir." "This is mainly what we brought the techs for. If you think you can help, get inside, otherwise, help hold the doors. Let's go." They rose from hiding and sent in their vanguard. Quoting from ID4, Sanford shouted, "Plow the road, boys!" With sprays of gunfire and big sweeps of weaponry, the vanguard managed to burn and chase off a corridor of spongies between themselves and the final room, down which the Jihaddi plunged. Once inside, Selene ordered groups to each door,smaller ones to the sides, a larger one to the front where they were now being targeted sporadically. At the heart of the control complex stood Sanford, Burdoo, Will, Jambavan, and Thaleia. --------- Selene and Trooper Cecrops held back then followed the others through the rapidly thinning passageway between the spoungin' fighters. Cecrops raised his Shield[tm] providing cover for both Dobermensch officers, as the minions recovered quickly and resumed their wild fighting. Selene swore softly to herself and began sweeping the area behind her with a few rounds from her HK-MP5. Her poorly aimed shots were soon joined by more, better aimed shots as the front of the group reached the doors and turned to cover the passage of the rest. She looked over at Cecrops and raised an eyebrow speaking gently into his mind, *Care to race?* The Trooper grinned wildly and took off at top speed, not bothering to answer. Selene shook her head before hurrying to catch up. Laughing, she got there just after the Trooper but once inside quickly turned serious. Taking command, she positioned people strategically at each door: Cecrops and Lieutenant Turbo led smaller units at the two side entrances, while she herself headed the larger group at the front. As the soldiers reported to their assigned positions, Selene took a mental inventory of each person recording their current location and status in her mind. "Heads up!" Trooper Thaleia shouted, as fire sprayed around the room from Burdoo's weapon. Selene ducked and glancing toward the giant pyramid that formed the center of the small room, just in time to see Warrior Jambavan take a seat at one of the computer terminals. Looking around to make sure nobody had been injured by the stray flames, she agreed wholeheartedly with his previous comment, "Perhaps a slightly more restrained method would be in order." *Dang straight.* "Burdoo!" "Yeah?" Not able to think of a polite way to put it, she stalked in and grabbed Jennifer by the arm. "We could use that enthusiasm out here. Let the techs do their job. Here, take the command of this bunch, I'll be over here." "Yes, ma'am." Seeing that nobody had been hurt, a minor miracle in itself, Selene took one last glance towards Will before reporting to her position. Smiling to herself at his look of intense concentration, she turned back towards the front door. *Such dedication...* the dragon commented. *Stuff it, Zaph,* Selene replied, her 'voice' tinged with a small hint of humor. *Dedication is a good thing.... very honorable...* * What would /you/ know about honor?* *Obviously more than you...* Their mental sparring continued as the Centurion joined Burdoo at the front, where they were now being targeted sporadically by the warring Spoungin'. *Ya know...* Selene commented, interrupting Zaphyre's rant, *DobIntel might be interested in footage of this battle... it'll give them something constructive to do at any rate.* She pulled a miniature camera from her satchel and set it on a ledge right outside the door. Glancing back at the four in the center of the room, she settled in for a long wait. ... By three hours later, the situation had drastically worsened. Selene glanced through the door and swore silently. At first both sides had seemed evenly matched; however, due to the involvement of the Wyrm Minion, Faide, the tide was slowly turning in her favor. In response to this turn of events, several of the group of minions supporting her had turned their attention to the Jihaddi within the Generator's control room. They began making their way toward the giant pyramid and as they moved closer, the altered, "robotic" minions followed them, continuing their single-minded assault. Burdoo looked towards the other officer noting the blank look on her face. "Selene, sir? I think we're about to have company." The Centurion dragged her attention away from the conversation with the dragon and glanced outside. "Great. Any ideas?" "We've been hosing the area every 20 minutes or so, which had been working. With the change in balance of forces though, that doesn't seem like a viable alternative anymore. I suggest we prep for hand-to-hand combat. Do you want me to send over the other groups for reinforcements?" "No," Selene thought fast. "We need to keep them there, just in case someone finds a way to assault us from one of the other directions... If things get too grisly we'll rotate them in, for now though, we're on our own." "Very well," the TRES officer replied, "I suggest we move out of this area then. There is a small amount of cover outside the door and we can't afford any stray shots hitting them." She indicated the four hard at work at the monitors in the center of the room. "Sounds good to me, and Burdoo?" Selene smiled, "keep your head down out there." "Always, sir, always." The other woman replied softly before ordering her troops through the door. The Centurion glanced one last time towards Will, smiling fondly as she took in his fierce concentration - to Selene's eyes it actually looked like they had made a little progress. *You know, Zaph? For the first time, I think we might have a chance of pulling this one off.* *One thing at a time, human, one thing at a time,* Zaphyre murmured. Selene slipped out through the door and pocketed the miniature camera before sliding behind a handy crate. She glanced toward Burdoo, who was squatting behind an identical crate on the other side of the door. In unison the two women peered toward the approaching minions and opened fire. Several minions fell, but the mass continued to approach and began returning the shots. *This isn't good,* Zaph muttered, *It's really stupid to get caught in the middle of two batches of warring idiots.* *Like we had much choice.* Selene groused back, firing and again sending several more minions to the ground. *Shit,* she muttered watching as one of the Jihaddi popped out of cover just in time to be hit by a stray bullet. "Jamison," she hollered continuing to fire sporadically, "status report!" "Alive, sir," his reply was faint, but audible. "Took a round in the leg." "Good," she sighed in relief, losing someone this early in a fire fight was not her idea of a good omen. "Then, get your butt inside and send someone out to take your place." "Yes, sir!" The wounded man carefully made his way behind several crouching Jihaddi and slipped back into the main room. As the door swung open, Selene heard Warrior Jambavan holler out, "One of you send an armed sponge in here!" Taking a deep breath, she hollered back, "Got it!" Turning to Burdoo, she muttered, "Cover me." Shifting quickly, Selene replaced her skin with the more protective dragon scales, then charged out into the melee. Burdoo looked at the Centurion like she was crazy and desperately began shooting at anyone who looked like they were targeting the Dobermensch. Grabbing the nearest armed minion, Selene swept away his B'harnate sword before yanking the helpless sponge off his feet and tossing him, head first, through the doors. Quickly following his path, Selene ran, diving behind the crate as a stream of bullets filled the area where she had just been. She glanced toward the TRES officer and shrugged sheepishly, "Thanks." Burdoo shook her head in disbelief but didn't reply, instead turning her attention back towards the battle in front of her. Unfortunately, Selene's move, while helping out those inside, only brought more attention towards the group outside the doors. Sensing the coming charge, Burdoo signaled the Jihaddi in closer, then called out to those inside, "How long?" Not hearing an answer, she unsheathed her sword and resigned herself to a long, bloody battle. ... Over an hour later, they were still fighting. By this point, all of the Jihaddi guarding the doors had been injured at least slightly, but the minions had not gained any ground. The worst of the injured were being tended inside where a few medics kept an eye on each of the side doors. Both Turbo and Cecrops had long ago been drained of their troops and had themselves joined the group at the front over an hour ago. Selene, though still fighting, was bloody and tired. She knew in her heart that her small group couldn't take much more of this. It wasn't the quality of the troops they faced that was causing their problems, it was the sheer numbers. Idly, she wondered how the Wyrm Minion was doing, if she was still on her feet as well. *Selene!* Zaph broke into her train of thought. *Will's down!* *WHAT!* All thoughts of the battle fled from the Centurion's mind. Quickly disemboweling the minion in front of her and a few of his companions, Selene took a step back, forcing Turbo and Cecrops, who were fighting beside her to close the gap. *Something's up inside,* she telepathically sent in explanation, carefully hiding her rising panic. *I need to check it out.* Whirling, she crashed madly through the doors, looking in shock at the scene in front of her. Will was on the floor, obviously unconscious, while Sanford stood over him nursing his bruised knuckles. Rushing to the injured man's side, Selene glared at the LOD Colonel. "What in Grimace's name is going on here!? Jambavan? Sanford? Answer me!" Neither answered not wanting to be the one to explain what the TRES officer had done, which only increased the Centurion's frustration. "Well?" she demanded, carefully cradling Will's head in her lap. "I want some answers! Now!" "Can you just have Zaphyre read the events through my mind?" Jambavan surprised Selene with his question. "I think a verbal explanation from any of us wouldn't be quick enough to satisfy you... in your current state." "Of course..." she replied, confused by his question and wisely ignoring his comment about her 'state'. *Zaph?* *I'll be gentle, Charc/Jambavan,* the dragon murmured soothingly in the Dobermensch's mind. *You have no idea how comforting that is,* the Warrior thought in semi-sarcastic reply, not even noticing as Zaphyre picked out the needed memories and showed them to her human Companion[tm]. The Centurion's face paled as she 'saw' the nagenta energy stream into Will's body. Her body began to tremble in a delayed form of shock; it took all of Zaphyre's power to calm the frightened human. Sanford, deciding that he wasn't going to be attacked, pulled out a can of Jolt[tm] and proceeded to dump it down the unconscious officer's throat. *I almost lost him, Zaph.... I- he will be alright, won't he?* *I think so, see - even now, he's waking up.* Selene put a hand over her mouth and watched with baited breath as Will struggled to his feet, pushing the can away from his mouth. She could only shake her head and listen as he thought nothing about his own condition, just went right back to work. TBC...