Operation: Home Front, A Change of Plans by Trooper Cecrops, Doberman Empire [occurs at some point after Acceptance] The young man stepped off the bus. He knew that his routine of walking home from the bus stop would be different than normal for some reason which he had forgotten, but he had no idea how different it would turn out to be. It was raining lightly this afternoon, quite a change in the weather since a week and a half ago, when it was as hot as it would normally be in August. Cecrops enjoyed a light rain, as long as he didn't have to sleep in it. He began walking south, when he remembered what was different about today. It was near the end of the month, and he was supposed to go to the community center in Lucchesi Park to pick up bus passes for the new month. He turned around and began walking north, when he realized that there was something very wrong about. He stopped and began to think. Inside the community center, preparations were underway for a week- before-Thanksgiving party. Most of the city council, several local businessmen, and the county sheriff were invited. Unknown to them, the preparations were no longer being carried out by those to whom the task had been assigned. Instead, their unconscious bodies had been carried into a side room by a small group of Sponge Minions. Also inside the building was a Wyrm Minion. One who had willingly bowed to the evils of the purple demon, he had the power of reasonable thought and had used it to the delight of his Lyran masters; Masters who had rewarded him with enhanced physical and mystical powers; Masters who had given him the gift of a newborn Saethrian to raise and keep as bodyguard and companion; Masters who had mysteriously disappeared a couple of weeks ago, with no notice or explanation. He had new masters now, masters who were not known to him but whom were allies of his old Lyran masters and his Lord B'harnii. It was they that had sent him on this small operation. Outside of the building was an unearthly creature, looking at its reflection in the lake. It was attempting to ponder thoughts about its existence, most particularly if whatever was in the water was another creature or a reflection of itself. After several minutes of watching the other being mimic its movements, it concluded that the water creature was not such, but only a reflection of itself. It had already reached this conclusion fifteen minutes beforehand, but it had forgotten. The minds of its kind had been severely weakened by selective breeding by the Lyrans, and it was young, so its mind was quite weak even for its species. The creature was very confused. It believed the Wyrm Minion to be its mother, after all, its earliest memories were of the Minion. However, the image which it believed could be a reflection of itself was very different from the Minion. Its weak mind quickly tired of such thought, so it turned around to resume feeding on one of the several Earth waterfowl it had easily caught before its attention was diverted to the water. Cecrops walked towards the crosswalk opposite the park, and looked up at the Duck Crossing sign as he passed it. He chuckled as he wondered how long it had been since ducks had actually crossed this now busy thoroughfare. It was then that he noticed one of two things that he would soon realize were seriously wrong that day. He looked across the street to the park, and did not see a single duck. He wondered what had happened to them, whether they had flown south for the winter, or whether some predator had scared them off. He reasoned that the first was by far most likely, and wondered why he kept thinking pessimistic thoughts like the second. It was unlikely that there were any predators in the middle of town that would would attack a flock of about two hundred ducks and geese for food. Food... Now Cecrops realized the second thing that was wrong this day. He smelled the air, and knew that he was right about this. Normally, the air would be strong with the smell from the Burger King in the nearby Plaza. However, there was no smell of hamburger in the air, and he saw that nothing was coming out of the smokestack atop the structure. He walked closer to the building and looked in a window, to see a person dressed in lime and lavender colors, toting what appeared to be an automatic firearm. He ducked out from sight before the person saw him. Even though he did not see this person from the front, he instinctively knew that this person carried a large, stupid grin on his face. For it was obvious to him that this was one of the Sponge Minions which he had heard about, but never met face to face. He wondered then if the Sponge Minions had been responsible for scaring off the ducks at Lucchesi Park, and thought it to be within the realm of possibility. As inexperienced as he was, he knew that attempting to kick the spongies out of the Burger King would not be a good idea at this time. If they attacked the Burger King, they would likely be inside the McDonalds a short way to the south. If they were in all three places, and he attacked the one in the middle, he would be caught in a crossfire which he would stand little chance of surviving. Well, he would stand little chance of surviving any conflict with the forces of the Hell Wyrm, seeing as how he was alone and untrained in the art of war. His sense of duty overrode his fear of death, as he knew that he must intervene. Cecrops returned to the sidewalk and began walking south towards the McDonalds. Back inside the park building stood the Wyrm Minion. He felt an odd sensation in his mind, and soon realised that what he was feeling was one of the powers given to him by his old Lyran masters. He was sensing danger, in the form of a Jihaddi. However, the danger passed quickly, as the Jihaddi was walking away from his position. It appeared that this operation would go off without a hitch. Cecrops walked up to the front of the McDonalds, and withdrew his pocketknife from his pocket. It was useless as a weapon, but when folded it could theoretically enhance a punch like a roll of pennies might. He walked up to the front door and tried to open it, but it was locked. A Sponge Minion jumped up to the door and aimed its weapon at him through the door. "Well, hi there! You can't come in here, we're closed for renne... re... umm, we're making the place look happier, and we're going to sell Hellthy Snacks[tm] instead of hamburgers! Isn't that Stuuuupendous?" Cecrops resisted the urge to say "Hell no", and instead started with what he had decided to say. He looked through the glass door and saw that the Sponge Minion had neglected to put a clip in his assault rifle. This was going to be easier than he thought. "I have a message for your lord B'harnii." He hated saying 'Lord B'harnii,' but it was too late to change his mind on this. "Oh, goodie, can I have it?" asked the clueless Sponge Minion. 'He's gonna have it all right', Cecrops thought. "Sure, just open up the door so I can give it to you." "Uh, okey dokey," said the Sponge Minion as it unlocked the door while neglecting to notice that there was a mail slot in the door that a material message could be sent through. It also did not notice Cecrops drawing back his fist. The Sponge Minion received the message loud and clear. Cecrops dropped his pocketknife and cried out as his hand throbbed with pain. He looked at it and noticed that there was no damage, just a slight mark left by the pocketknife. The Sponge Minion took this time to aim its gun at Cecrops and pull the trigger, but was surprised when there was no 'bang'. Cecrops heard the empty gun click and realised that he had nearly lost his life save for the fact his enemy was a complete idiot. He grabbed the rifle by its barrel and pulled it away from the Sponge Minion, pushing his foot into his enemy's chest for leverage. Suddenly he noticed movement to his left, as another Sponge Minion raised a pistol at him. Cecrops ducked out of the doorway just before several bullets passed through it. The Wyrm Minion started as he thought he heard gunfire. It could have merely been his imagination, but he had not earned any respect by being careless. He walked to the front of the community center, opened the door, and began to listen. Cecrops heard the footsteps of the second Sponge Minion running towards the door, and then heard the second Sponge Minion collide with the first who had risen to his feet. Sponge Minion number one tumbled out the door, and Cecrops raised the rifle. Sponge Minion #2 stumbled out, and was met with a smashing blow from the butt of an assault rifle, enough to cause him to lose his grip on the pistol and fall back through the door. Quickly picking up the fallen pistol and putting it in his raincoat pocket, Cecrops stepped inside the building to face the second Minion. A scratching noise followed by a clattering and a thump behind him told him three things, first that the first Minion had tripped on his pocketknife and fallen down, second that he was quite inept at battle to have willingly moved into a position where he had an enemy in front of him and one behind, and third that his enemies were more inept than he was. He ducked back out of the building, and hit the fallen Sponge Minion with the rifle-butt. The second Minion was up and coming at him, but Cecrops noticed, and a sharp upward swing of the rifle-butt sent the Minion falling back through the doorway. Cecrops then picked up an ammunition clip for the assault rifle from the first Minion, and stepped back to load it. Within seconds he had figured out how to load the clip into the weapon and had done so, but the Sponge Minions were both on their ! feet and advancing towards him. They might have been smiling, but they did not look happy. The Wyrm Minion was startled as he heard automatic weapon fire from the direction of the McDonalds. He rushed out towards the street to take a look at the situation. Drivers along the boulevard were surprised at the unusual sights on either side of the road. Those looking to their left saw a man running at a fast pace wearing the most hideous colored green and nagenta uniform. Those looking to their right saw a young man toting an assault rifle walking over a pair of bodies. The Wyrm Minion saw the young man who must have been the danger he had sensed earlier. Instead of leaving, as he thought had happened, the Jihaddi had discovered the Sponge Minions controlling the McDonalds and had slain two of his group of eight minions. This was not acceptable. He would use the magical powers given him by his previous masters in order to put a quick end to this menace. Cecrops saw a figure across the street that did not look friendly. He put down his rifle and drew the pistol, with which he would have better aim. This distance was near 200 yards, but he had never used an assault rifle before today. Pistols he was familiar with. The nagenta clad figure raised its arms, and energy gathered between his hands. One car driver, traveling at a speed approaching 50 miles per hour, began to slow down for the stoplight ahead. Then he saw the light turn green, and he began to speed up again. Then he saw a guy by the side of the road with an assault rifle and a pistol, and he floored it. The blast left the Minion's hands and bolted across the street, but collided with a car that had sped in between him and his target. Cecrops saw a car speed by his line of sight, and the opposite side of the car become engulfed by a bright flash, and then the car begin to tip before righting and slowing to a stop. As soon as the car passed through his line of sight, Cecrops adjusted his aim and fired twice. The Minion was surprised that his spell did not hit his intended target, but had no time to consider the matter further as a bullet pierced his skull and passed through his brain, killing him instantly. Behind the community center, a creature stopped feasting on a large mallard and balanced itself into an upright position, as it felt its mental link to its mother(?) suddenly snap. Cecrops watched the Minion fall, and then turned his attention to the car which had been hit by the spell. A spell that had been meant for him. The car pulled into the corner gasoline station, and he saw a man open up the passenger side door and crawl out, bleeding on his left side. There was no one else inside the car, so the driver's side door must have been fused shut. 'The car must have been going at least 70 MPH when it was hit!', thought Cecrops. He was dumbfounded at the thought that Petaluma's crazy drivers had saved his life instead of taken it as he had thought they would sometime do. The driver seemed like he would survive, so Cecrops turned his attention toward the Burger King, which he started towards. He realized now that he had been carrying his backpack during the whole battle. As Cecrops approached the Burger King, he began to take off his backpack, and then thought the better of it. The books and materiels inside the pack could offer a little protection for his back. He hefted it back on his shoulders and walked to the Burger King. If the Spongies were consistent, there would be two of them in this building as well. Cecrops saw a Sponge Minion through the window, and fired his assault rifle, dropping the SM to the floor. Another SM popped out from the kitchen and fell to a quick blast. This was almost too easy. Cecrops glanced behind himself, and then turned his attention back inside the building. After a half minute of silence, he was satisfied that he had killed the only two Sponge Minions in the building. As Cecrops walked across the crosswalk to Lucchesi Park, he noticed that the cars were giving him much more leeway than normal. In fact, they weren't even trying to run him over. 'Must be the assault rifle,' he thought. Cecrops slowed as he walked up the curved walkway towards the front of the community center. The spongies sure were being consistent, there would probably be two of them in here as well. He noticed a red spot on the ground where the ducks would normally sit... Blood? He made a mental note to check the outside of the building after he cleared out the inside. The spongies inside the building were doubletiming their preparations for the thanksgiving party, as per what turned out to be their final orders from their commander. They were decorating the main hall now, after they had installed the devices which would tell the partygoers how stuuuuuuuupendous Lord B'harnii was. Two of them were carrying a large plastic turkey when a hail of gunfire cut them down. Cecrops shouldered the rifle. 'Damn, I'm good', he thought. He sure was fighting a lot better than he was at the McDonalds. Then again, he had a machine gun now. The Sponge Minions had been carrying an incredibly large, incredibly tacky turkey into the main hall of the center. Curious, Cecrops walked in. It seemed as if the room was being set up for a standard Thanksgiving party, except for it was a week before Thanksgiving, and there was a strange looking device in one corner. Cecrops started walking towards it, but when he reached the center of the room he heard the door he had walked through slam shut. Cecrops turned towards the door, startled. 'A trap!' he thought. His thoughts were soon confirmed as a dorky voice boomed over the speakers, "Well, hi there! You must be here for the party!" Cecrops turned around, looking for the source of the voice, but seeing nothing. "Actually, I'm a Jihaddi, and I'm here to kill you. Come out and fight." "Oh, goodie, a Jihaddi! I'm going to make a Jihaddi see how stuuuuuupendous it is to serve Lord B'harnii!" "Don't make me laugh." There was no reply for several seconds. Then the Hell Wyrm's Song began playing over the speakers, and purple smoke began spouting from the machine in the corner. Cecrops looked around and saw more smoke coming from behind decorations around the room, and he figured there must be similar machines behind the decorations. "What do you spongies think you are trying to do?" Cecrops half wondered, half challenged. There was no response, and the room began filling with the smoke. Cecrops felt he must have inhaled some of the smoke by now, but he felt alright, if he did have a bit of a headache from listening to the Hell Wyrm's Chant for a minute and a half. Cecrops spoke again. "The soundtrack is horrible, and the special effects suck." There was no response for another half minute, and then the machines stopped discharging their purple smoke, and the so-called 'song' stopped playing over the speakers. Then the voice of a Sponge Minion: "You see how much B'harnii *luvs* you? >giggle<" Cecrops felt no such thing, in fact quite the opposite, and he let the Sponge Minions know this in less than pristine language. The Minion's astonished reply: "Oooooooooh, you said 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuck'....." "Um, hate to tell you fella, but you just said 'fuck' yourself." 'Heh', he thought, 'fuck yourself'. "Did not! You liar!" Cecrops sighed, he had not heard anyone talk like this since about fifth grade. He stepped towards the second door to the room, which had been closed the whole time he had been in the building. It was unlocked. Purple gas escaped from the mail hall as he pushed open the door and looked to his right. He saw a Sponge Minion guarding the other door, with his back to him. A quick burst from the machine gun, and Cecrops has one less Sponge Minion to worry about. He did not know exactly how many he still had to deal with, though. He had expected two Sponge Minions inside the community center, and that was the third he had gunned down. He also wondered what that smoke was supposed to do to him. His thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of a gun at his back. Cecrops reluctantly raised his hands, and the machine gun, above his head. The same voice that had come over the speaker system was talking to him now. "Ooh ooh, I got you now you meany Jihaddi!" Cecrops rolled his eyes. He did not want it to end like this. Then he spoke. "Okay, it looks like you got me. May I at least have the honour of knowing who killed me?" The Sponge Minion slowly replied, "Uhhhhh, okay, I guess." Cecrops began to turn around, until he heard the SM shout, "Hey, umm, don't move, or something!" Cecrops pointed out, "Hey, how am I supposed to know who you are if I cannot get a look at your face?" "Uhh, okay, I guess." Cecrops turned around, and what he saw made him laugh out loud. The SM was noticeably distressed. "Hey, uh, stop laughing, what's so funny?" Cecrops calmed himself, and then informed the clueless Minion, "Hey man, I hate to tell you this, but your safety's on." The SM looked cluelessly at him, "Huh, what?", and then at the gun. Cecrops lowered his weapon and fired. "Any more Sponge Minions in here?" he yelled. After there was no response(he half expected a minion to pop up and raise its hand) for about a minute, he looked at the weapons of the minions he had downed here. They all had either a machine gun or a pistol like the ones he had taken off the SMs at the McDonalds. He lifted the ammo clips from the Minions' bodies, they would not be needing them any more, and the way things were going, he would. He also took the fourth Sponge Minion's pistol, wouldn't hurt to have two of them. Then he walked back out the front door of the Community Center. He looked at the spot of red in the grass. Definately blood, most likely duck(or goose) blood. There were feathers strewn about, which sort of confirmed this. Why he did not notice the feathers before, he didn't know. He walked over to the lake. There were feathers here and there coating the surface of the lake. He stood staring at its waters for a few seconds, until he heard something that sounded like the beating of wings... Slowly turning his head, Cecrops saw a creature that was quite apparently not of this Earth. It was about 3* feet in height from head to tip of tail, and the tip of tail in question looked like the stinger of a scorpion. It had a wormlike shape and a purplish colour with tinges of green, and a pair of small wings sprouting from its back. Four long tendrils poked out of its torso, appearing to act as arms, with claws at their ends. And it was coming right at him. Cecrops whirled around and let fly a spray of poorly aimed bullets from his machine gun, missing the beast by a margin. The beast was quite close now, he whirled his gun around, faked a run to the right, and jumped to his left, swinging right, and the flying beast fell for the fake. The gun-butt and the creature connected with enough force to knock the rifle out of Cecrops's hands. The creature swung its tail around and struck at Cecrops in the back, putting a large hole in his backpack. Cecrops began running, and then turned around. He fumbled in his raincoat for the pistol, dropping it in his nervousness. He then dropped himself flat to the ground as the flying whatzit buzzed over him, its tail missing by inches. Cecrops wondered now what he could use to possibly harm this thing. Forgetting about the pistol he just dropped, he took off his backpack as it turned around, and threw it at the beast, then turning around to run in the direction of the machine gun. The pack connected with the flying creature, doing little more than slowing it down. Cecrops slipped in the wet grass and fell to the ground. He found himself face to face with the mangled remains of a muscovy duck, its species identifiable only by the feathers that were everywhere. The beast was coming at him fast, and all he could do was pray. He raised his left arm in a futile attempt at defense, and closed his eyes, waiting to die... (To be continued in Awakening)