Operation Home Front: Early Arrival Author: Jennifer Burdoo, TRES Corps. Jennifer sighed. What had she gotten herself into? She'd just gotten back from a grueling day of classes, made worse by lack of sleep and general exhaustion caused by biking out to Tuttle Creek Dam for a desponge operation. She'd spent an hour working up a report, made difficult by the fact that she wasn't very computer-literate yet had to include spongin files which were incompatible with everything except Murkysoft Windoze 95, which she didn't have. She'd ended up "borrowing" the format of an official report cribbed from the CO of the operation. Then she'd taken three tests (downing six cans o' Coke on the way), written a six-page book report at the last minute, and babbled her way through a speech on dust mites (or had it been the space program?). Now all she wanted was to go to sleep. But noooo, there had to be another message on JihadMail when she got in, ready to sack out. Backdated four hours, it read: Report to Sumner County, Immediately. --Marburger So, she staggered out into the parking lot, which as usual was full up. Standing in one of the few clear spaces, she drew a small cubical control from her back pocket and punched a couple buttons. A few loud flashes and sparks later, a large....thing shimmered into existence and slammed into the asphalt. Well, there was one benefit to being a Jihaddi -- interdimensional parking. You really needed it on this campus. The TRES hovercar-prototype was Jen's contribution to the current debate over what would replace the TARAV, which was being slowly phased out of service. It was a bulbous, teardrop- shaped vehicle, driven by a hover engine which more than paid for its immense weight by lifting it a handsbreath above the ground. The thirty-ton hovercar could skim over almost any terrain at 90 miles an hour cruise speed. Top speed was 160. Partly open-topped (though covers were available), it could lift a variety of heavy weapons that could be remote-controlled if desired. It also contained your basic AI-with-an-Attitude. [Hey there, shorty. Long time no see,] said the AI as Jennifer threw herself over the coaming and collapsed into the soft cushioning of the driver's seat. [Where to?] "Sumner County, boy." Jen blearily tapped in the coordinates. The AI whirred as it digested the information and compared it with what else it could pull off the JihadNet[tm]. [Cool! We get to fight?] "Yeah. Now shuttup an' lemme sleee...p." [Yes Ma'am!] The AI obliged by kicking her seat back into a horizontal position and starting up a random tape of Civil War guitar music. Jennifer was fast asleep even before the hover engine whined up, punching the car off the ground and zooming off into the night under autopilot, playing "Haste to the Wedding" on high volume on the outside speakers. [Whee-hah!] Two hours later.... Corporal Bobby Johnson of the HellWyrm Armor Division was tired. Yawning from the turret of the purple-and-gray Abrams tank he wondered vaguely what he was doing out in the middle of nowhere. One of B'harnii's really good friends had told him to watch for the mean Jihaddi, as if they were smart enough to find B'harnii's secret base. He wished B'harnii were here to make life more bearable. But, no, B'harnii had taken another vacation, he seemed to be traveling alot lately. Bobby hoped the Luvable One would return soon. Following standard procedure in these cases, he snuggled down, shut his eyes tight and tried to imagine that Barney was with him, there in the turret, as he hummed Its Song to himself in the moonlight. The other minions in other tanks nearby joined in quietly. They were all scared; they all missed their B'harnii. "Bobby, do you hear that?" One of the whispered anxiously, cocking his head into the darkness. The quiet humming stopped. "Uh-huh..." He covered his ears with his hands. "Make it stop!" The faint hum of bagpipes floated over the long grass. "It's getting closer!" The other minion whined, grabbing for the .50 cal. machine gun slung alongside the turret. He began shooting wildly, desperate to make the horrid noise stop. "WHA WADNA FECHT FOR CHARLIE, WHA WADNA DRAW THE SWORD --" -silence. "WHA WADNA UP AN' RALLY, AT THE ROYAL PRINCE'S WORD," blared the hovercar at top volume as it thundered over the rise. The 130-mm mortar hunched at the rear belched fire and a tank abruptly exploded. [Yee-hah!] went the AI as it efficiently picked off another tank. Bobby could only watch, stunned by the drum crescendo of your average Scots war song. The bagpipes hurt his ears. He curled into a fetal position in the turret, gripping his Barney doll tightly but unable to shut his ears to the Corries' version of a cross between folk and heavy metal. Crying in pain, he never saw the mortar swing in the direction of his tank. ..... "Something -is- going on out there. Gods only know what." The two Jihaddi glanced at each other, concerned. There had to be something to explain the faint bagpipe music, gunfire and glow on the horizon. The B'harnate forces couldn't have found them yet, they had just arrived, but yet... As they watched, a shape seemed to detatch itself from the darkness, literally whistling "Dixie" as it skimmed over the grass towards the perimeter. "What the hell is THAT?" one of the soldiers gasped. He was staring awestruck at the hovercar, which, decked out in TRES Corps, Zeta Squad markings, hummed its way into the rapidly emptied clearing. "Shut off those lights! Do you want someone to spot you!?" [Uh, sorry about that, sir. Where can I park?] The perky AI seemed a little dazed and cheerful after its shootout with the B'harnate armored platoon. "Uh...." The soldier scratched his head and jerked a thumb to the left. "Over there?" [Thanks!] The hovercar whirred past, then stopped. [Say, can you send someone out here to put my driver to bed?] "What....good grief." The soldier shook his head, and dazedly helped his partner lift the unconscious woman out of the hovercraft, muttering under his breath, "I don't believe it, she slept through the whole damn thing...." To Be Continued...